7. Bitter Reality

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Twitter seems to be exploding with the fanwar going on. #ourpreciouskookie being the world top trend followed by #banaquarius being the second. #jkweluvyou trends on third. The love Jungkook receives over-shadows the overflow of hate for Aquarius yet it doesn't overpower or overcome it. People seem to forget that the girl on the other side of the screen is human too just like them and even in an intensely stressful state, she was just trying to do her best - to do what was best for him.

Jungkook still remains unconscious, having suffered from a severe anxiety attack. The media is still unaware of this whole scenario. BTS and BigHit still struggling with how to break the news out to the public since things are still going on. They can't completely hide it either. Should they let the situation just die down on its own? But that would stir up controversy and negative attention which might result in defaming the hole group. No, can't do that. Skeptical. Everyone involved felt skeptical.

The audience on VLive did notice the begining of this whole scenario even if they were unaware of the complete chaos. But it was BTS we're talking about, it wouldn't just die down on its own. A statement release was a must. And now all that worries the boys and pd-nim is that when should an announcement be made? When will be the right time? How can they explain this whole situation in a way that draws out everything in favour of BTS? No one really cares about that girl at this point. The girl whose voice kept Jungkook calm. The girls whose voice made his heart race, head spin, blood rush in his veins and filled his gut with warmth.

In truth of the matter, no one really cared for her. Not the boys, not the staff, not the netizens. No one. The virtual war going on on the internet is abstract yet it's effects are so devastating. It's moments like these where she feels truly lonely. Hated. Misunderstood. Alone. It's all tragic. She's paying price for a crime she didn't even commit. She's being punished for what? It's unclear. But why she's being punished is obvious. Hatred. A part of the internet hates her so intensely they'll do everything to make her miserable. Why? Maybe because they're jealous. Maybe they hate her because they want to be her OR they want to be WITH her.

Her fandom does come to support her too. But people who Stan her Stan BTS too. And this trend of being an ARMY overpowers other things that do not have such attention.... things like her. You see, when you like 2 things deeply. And one of them is a worldwide renowned and appreciated 'trend' then you might be inclined to have opinions and words in its favour. You might even completely ignore that other thing that you like so deeply because you might feel alone in liking that meanwhile you get appreciated and applauded for having an interest in the other one.

So what was the reason for this unbalance in power? Was Aquarius not famous? Was she not talented? Was she not beautiful? Was she not kind? No, none of that. She was well-known. She was pretty and kind and talented and all those things that would make a person admirable. She was all that. But she was a Muslim. A woman. An outcast. The way the celebrities of the world interacted with the boys, they didn't do so with her. Prejudices, sexism, misogyny and discrimination had clouded their judgement so rashly that they'd become completely blind. Blind to all of their wrong doings and hatred. It was not her fault. Being a Muslim is not a mistake. It never is, but is sure is treated like a crime.

Reality is, Muslims are treated unfairly in the world just for the sake of being Muslim. Yes. That's why they're punished first hand without any evidence of doubt or even need. They're punished and hated just because of their belief and no one really tries to do something to solve this disastrous issue. No one takes an effective step forward. No one's willing to raise a powerful voice. A voice that would be heard. So it's true that while usually people might like her and love her. The majority will easily turn their backs on her when they need to pick a side solely because she's a woman. Only because she's Muslim. Only because she covers up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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