4. Interaction

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It's a flood in his mind, how all those memories come back. Feels like such a long time ago. It has been a journey, watching her become the woman she is today. Jungkook is so incredibly proud of her. It's nostalgic, reading her name after such a long while. He has 't been keeping up with her recently, trying to distance himself from her. 5 months ago, the realization came crashing down, he was unconsciously not paying attention to such a huge aspect of her and was unable to figure out something that was his own. Two things: she was a Muslim, and.... he was falling for her. Shit.

It was not like it wasn't obvious. But, it was just one of those thing that Jungkook just did not give the importance to constantly keep in mind. Yeah, she's Muslim. So what? Nothing, right? And it wasn't until he had realized that his feelings towards her were exceeding the limits and boundaries of admiration and astonishment, that he had realized just how much it mattered. How could he let that happen to himself. Why? How? He'd realized it wasn't 'him & her' in this. It was just him and just her. Different and separate. So he had decided. He will not watch her anymore. He will not. Just no. And then for the first time he had actually just felt how much of a big part of his daily life she was. He was so used to watching her, messaging her in his not so fluent English and venting about all of his stresses. She didn't know it was him but she knew him like he didn't even know himself. It was like she knew what he needed and wanted, what he was going through and was feeling, all in a while when Jungkook himself wouldn't have any idea of what was going on with him. So, letting go of her all of a sudden, it was painful. She was a constant in his life without him realising that soon enough and by the time he wanted to let go, he realized he was in too deep and admittedly was not ready to let go at all.

So, he'd stopped, unfollowed her, stopped messaging her, stopped looking at her and desperately hoped to stop thinking about her too, except that, that the last one didn't work so much. A little part of him hoped that she'd message him, ask him if he was okay, ask why he wasn't talking anymore. But he knew that part of him was being foolish, Aquarius will never do such a thing. She just wasn't and isn't that person. She would help you in a way that wouldn't seem like 'helping' and care for you in a manner that would only be noticed by paying the utmost attention. So, she wouldn't do something like this, he knew, she'd think and believe that she didn't have the place in people's lives to ask such things without them first approaching her. No. She'd think that, it would be pestering and annoying them. She was not that. She wasn't the type of person to shove her support, love and care down your throat. It was so subtle and so endearing. Jungkook wanted to cry. Why did he ever come across her in the first place. Why? It was so frustrating. He didn't know, didn't realize.

Shaking his head, Jungkook decides it is not the time to get sad and miss her again. He has work to do so he can't let his inner turmoil bother him and effect his work. No. He gulps, trying to swallow the painful lump in his throat and blinks, trying to rub away the burn in his doe eyes. Alone. He's feeling alone.

Omgggggg. Quri's reacting to his live armys. This is the type of content we didn't know we needed but I'm not complaining.


God! I love these too.

Kookie why did you stop reading Arabic?

Koo, are you okay?

My babieeeeee💜💖💜💖💜💖💖💖 please be okay. I love you. Purple you.

He smiles, at least he has army and- WAIT WHAT?! His eyes widen in realization and shock. She is watching him right now? Shit. Does he look good enough? Is he making a fool out of himself? Shit shit shit. Does she actually see through him and realize that he's thinking about her? What? No. No. No! Can't be. But at the same time, the thought of her thinking about him, the real Jungkook and not some book character, he likes it. The possibility that she is thinking about him. He hates how much he loves the idea, hates how his heartbeat picks up its pace in excitement.

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