3. The Live

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"Everyone's here? Alright we may begin then." She sighs.

Yes Queen.


Yes. Can't wait.

About content. Sis. Can you do a video about self esteem issues.

Yes. A video about your take on current politics.

Okay. What? She thought.

Understanding the situation too well, she shakes her head, smiling sweetly.

"Guys," she says. "You can talk about bts related content. Or anything you want. Anything. Don't worry my babies. You're fine. We're fine." She tells her audience.

There is a pause. A moment. A stop in the comment section. Then,

You won't be sad?

She loves how they say "sad" instead of "mad". They care about her feelings. What she thinks and feelss. And not about any outbursts, meaning, she can get mad. They'll take it. But sad, no, they'll go out of their way to avoid that, just like they did just now. Politics? Her channel isn't about politics at all. And they just went "give your take on recent political issues."

"I would never ever ever be mad or sad at you guys unless you guys hurt someone or even yourselves." She says, heart swelling with love at how thoughtful they are. "We're good. Better than good. Don't be so worried. No holding back. Say it. Whatever you wanna."

And there is another moment. Before.

"Marry me quriiiiiiiii."

She laughs, throwing her head back.

"Ummm. Idk about that."

"Qu how was your day?"

She sips her coffee. "Fine, had a few meetings here and there." She tells them. "How was your day?" She asks back. And the comments rush in.

"My day was soooo hard. I have exams from next week and I'm afraid to studyyyy. 😭😭😭😭😭"

"I know how that feels. I've been there way too many times too. But hey, I know it feels kind of impossible. Like you don't know where to begin with. What to do and what to start with but just do it. Somewhere. Any one chapter. Start. And then you will get the hang of it. Trust me. You got this. You have a week still. You can do this okay? Don't let these little things overpower you. I know you want to procrastinate and just not face it but let it come. It'll be over as soon as you face it. You got this. I believe in you." She says and sips the last bits of her beverage.

The comments are normal, the usual for a while. Everything is sweet. Just her people talking to her like they would, them feeling at home. 'Cause Aquarius just is that person that could make people feel comfortable and really feel at home. She feels at home too. These people are family to her. She is not alone anymore. She has them. The thought overwhelmed her. These people, they are hers. She loves them more than she loves herself.

"I love you all a lot," she confesses all of a sudden. "You will just never know how much I love you." She smiles and looks at the camera, gaze filled with love and adoration. She looks at them like she's in love with them and honestly it's so beautiful to be loved the way Aquarius loves her people.

"I love you so so so much qu Hyung."

"Don't y'all just love when Aquarius looks at us like she's in love with us❤."

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