Chapter 33. Insecurity

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'Hun, what makes you so long?' Zeus asked worriedly in our mind.

'Sorry, just catching up with Dave,'

Dave parked his Jeep and we stepped out of the car, everybody is in the living room, chatting. Fruits, snacks, and drinks are scattered on the table. I approached to Zeus to kiss him, then pull Dave's hand to the kitchen.

"Let me introduce you to our new housemates!" We walked to the kitchen to I greet Sam and Claire. They are currently busy preparing the lunch.

"Sam, Claire, this is the infamous Dave!" They spin their head facing us, then curtsy. I laughed at Dave's panicked face.

"Your highness!" They choired. Dave getting pale.

"Girls! You don't need to do that! I'm not an old emperor in a rotten castle or something! Just call me Dave!" They giggled, me too.

"Okay!" Sam answered, but I know that's not the same case with Claire. "I bet Rose do the braid," Dave blushed and I laughed.

We went back to the living room to join the other when Hades pulls my hand and leads me to the porch. His phone on his ear and he busy yelling at the call.

"Yes! No, not the white cables, you idiot! Yes, just plug it in the hard drive and you are golden! Fuck you! That's a prototype! Fuck, just don't touch anything until I come back! Stay away from my lab, you imbecile!" He ends the call with steam comes out from his ear and nose, "Sorry, that's one of my idiot scientists, he blow my new prototype."

He makes a new call. "Hello, mom. Yes, I'll be going later after lunch. Put dad beside you, I'll video calling. Okay. Yes, moooom! For god's sake, I'm 31!" I laughed. He presses the camera button in his phone to switch the phone call to a video call, "Hi mom, hi dad, look who I found!" Hades snake one of his arms to my shoulder and I see his parent on the screen. They look like a very good-looking elder, just like how Freddy is. They gasped looking at me.

"Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Alastair, I'm Ester. I'm Zeus's mate and Hades here has pushed me to become his sister." I greet them.

"Oh my god, You look exactly like Athena.." Mrs. Alastair whimpered. Her tears are falling.

"Yes, she looks like her, almost giving me a heart attack at first, they even have the same scent it's scary. Ester here is 30 years. She has agreed to be my sister." Hades gives his shocked parent a big smile, Addie leaves the call and I hear sniffles in the background.

"Oh, Luna Ester. You are welcomed here anytime. We would love to know you better."

"I will, Mr. Alastair, soon. Maybe in Hades' mating ceremony. Or you could come here as well, Zeus's and mine are on the way."

"Okay dad, I'm closing the call!" Hades wave his palm that in my shoulder and end the call, "Okay, princess. Who said there will be a mating ceremony for me?"

"I did."

"I didn't decided yet, whether to accept Laura or not." He lifts his brows.

"But you waited so long for your mate—" I whimpered and making puppy eyes.

"She almost killing you, Essie. This is not an easy decision for me, I don't want a short-tempered luna by my side, moreover with anger issues and violent. A Luna with that personality only givingp doom to my pack. I'll think about it, at least until her punishment over. Okay?"


He kisses my head and we about to join the other in the living room when I remember about Eve, "Hades, do you know Evelyn Vasques? Eve, from Raven's Rex."

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