Chapter 56. Keeping No Skeleton

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"Mana! Oh crap what happened to your faces?!"
Rose in the door frame.
"Mana, how did you make two Alphas cried?"

Mana dead panned.
"Young lady, did you realized that your sister passed out in the same place as you and you choose to banging your mate instead?"

Rose gaped. She has guilty face.

"You on laundry duty for a week."

"Mana, don't do this to mee. I don't wanna do Ester's laundry.."
She whined and Mana ignore her.

"Let's have some tea, boys. Let Ester rest for a while,"
She walked out of the cottage.

"Maaaa, seriously, what you doing to my brothers?"

She look at Lucien who stand awkwardly in the porch.

"You both stink! Get a long shower, or bath, whatever. I smelt blood!! Oh my goddess, Rose Alicia! Are you in your period?! And still banging your mate? I wish I had an abortion!"
The lady yelled. Lucien getting pale. Me and Dave laugh at them.

We walked to the main house's porch where Yasmin, Ray, and Bob already sat on the floor, chatting. We sit and join them. Bob walked to mana and started massaging her shoulder.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Nollan.. can I not call you mana like these other fella?"
Said Ray.

"And why is that?"
Yasmin hissed.

"He doesn't want Nollan girls as a sibling. He was into Rose, probably till now,"
Bob tell her.

Mana groaned.
"Believe me, the Fate save you by not mated her with you, Rayden. She and Ester may look alike, but a total different personality. Yo can't handle her! There are numerous time that I really want to disown her!"
She grumbled.

"Mana, Ochie's not that bad! She still virgin at twenty and her mate is her first,"
I try to calm her.

"At that point, yes. But she is a wild girl. Once I know she has a part time job as a stripper just for having fun!"
Mana growled. We shocked that our Rose could do that.

"Ah, I know that, actually she did that with me,"
Yasmin shrugged. Dave looks like he was about to passed out. Mana massages her temple.
"What? You can't forbid someone has a hobby?!"
She squealed.

"Not showing your skin to random man, Yas! Geez, I though you was an innocent sweet girl,"
Dave shook his head.

"I'm 27, D! How innocent could a girl in my age?!"
We look at them back and forth.

"Okay, guys. Now you are mated, Yas won't do that again right?,"
I try to lighten the mood.
"Everyone has a bad side on the past,"

"Like you and that countless bed buddies that one of them almost killed Ester?!"
Dave spat to me, my jaw on the floor. He is in a bad.. bad mood. Mana choked and Bob pat her back.

"Like you are a virgin when the first time you unboxing my mate!"
I growled and give him a comeback.

"And you banging my wife before we even divorced!"
He hissed. This is getting out of controll. We both have a red and  angry faces now.

I slumped.
"I'm sorry. That's the mate pull and I just came back from death"

"You get her pregnant even before I tell her about Yasmin,"
So he knows. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.

Mana dead panned.

"Okay. If we want no skeleton in our closet anymore, I have a confession to do too,"
Said Yasmin. Succeed, all our attention goes to her.
"I slept with my ex few days after I met Dave,"

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