The Beginning Part 1

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Space, a wonderful yet horrifying extent that covers all of existence. An undeniable fact that many others can't escape from it, even in the confines of worlds or planets. Possibilities are endless to the point where science and logic can't comprehend aspects of it. A never-ending void that never stops growing even if a universe implodes on itself, another can replace it.

A rift opens in the middle of space, like a knife stabbing through butter. A single asteroid exits before the Rift itself closes. Unlike many other asteroids, this one has blue patches across its surface, which pulsed out blue lightning, creating a trail of blue-hued energy in its wake.

The asteroid started floating in space, aimlessly moving to whatever life-driven world is there. A Space Station was in the distance, its massive size blocking the asteroid's trajectory. The distance between the asteroid and the space station became closer and closer before the asteroid struck one of the station's towers, breaking the asteroid into several pieces. Some of which had struck the station itself, causing severe damage and possibly killing some of the inhabitants.

The remaining fragments of the asteroid floated towards a strange ring-shaped structure. The Fragments approached the center of the Ring, and as they move through it, the outer layers of it began spinning, and energy started traveling through the Ring. Before long, the fragments disappeared in a speed of light.

The fragments continued traveling at light speed before suddenly coming to a halt. The Fragments returned to their original pace, continuing to float in space. Eventually, they've reached their final destination, a planet full of life: Earth.

Somewhere in Mount Chiliad, Los Santos

It was a wonderful evening in Los Santos. The Sun was setting, the air was cool, and a group of misfits partying under the stars. This group is known famously and infamously known as "Banana Bus Squad."

The Crew held a small camping site on a hillside of Mount Chiliad. Right now, they are celebrating their 8th Anniversary of the formation of the Banana Bus Squad.

Within the party, several members of the squad resided. Most of them were Moo, Panda, FourZeroSeven, Delirious, Kryoz, SMii7Y, CaRtOoNz, Sark, and Grizzy, among a few others. Most of the crew's girlfriends (and wives for some of the members) decided to tag along with the party.

Brock was cradling his daughter in his arms, and beside him was his wife, Lauren. Both of them, sitting on the grass and leaning on one another.

"This is the life," Brock said, who sighed in satisfaction.

"You said it, Brock," Lauren replied.

Brock continued, "Spending time with my wife and child with my old pals. Relaxing on a hillside, and to top it all up, watching this beautiful sunset together."

"God, that is so corny." Lauren chortled.

"Yeah? Well, what would you say in this moment?" amused, Brock questioned.

Before she could reply, she was interrupted by loud laughter behind them. Brock could only describe it as pure hilariousness. Panda was seen on top of a table, pouring booze all over himself while singing "It's Raining Men" drunkenly.

"Itz rainin' men, alleluia-" Anthony hiccuped before continuing, "i-itz raynin' men, alleluia..." slurred Anthony, who chuckled throughout the whole ordeal.

Brock couldn't help himself and started laughing at Anthony. His daughter started laughing as well, much to the shock of Lauren. She grab hold of Briana, the daughter's name, and covered her eyes.

"BROCK!!!" she shouted.

"What? That was hilarious!" Brock pointed out.

"Yeah? Well, our daughter is too young to see that!" she said as she points at Anthony, who was having the time of his life. He was jumping on a table before it collapsed and made Anthony fall on his back. The crew members started laughing once more. Few even collapsed from laughing so much.

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