The Beginning Part 2

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Twenty Minutes Ago

Somewhere in the middle of space lies a massive floating complex that houses the Banana Bus Squad. It is common knowledge that every YouTuber has a Prime Location called Hubs. These places could range from a small village to a Massive planet-sized home. In this case, the group chose to use a space station called "The Bush House" as their Hub due to its usefulness and the color scheme.

Within the Hub

With the final preparations of his clothing, Vanoss stepped out of his personal living space. He pulled out his phone and opened up a music app, and started playing some chill beats. He closed the door right after and walked down the hallway before reaching a room with a sign that says "Communications."

Within the room were two individuals. One was a cybernetic, who wore his signature black leather jacket. The other had a Munsell Blue T-shirt, Blue cargo shorts, and a white hoodie over his head.

"Hey Brian, Marcel, the hell you two doing here?" Vanoss said as he walked towards a holographic table.

"Checking on an anomaly on sector 4 of our Hub," Brian answered.

"Yeah, haven't you got any notifications about it?" Marcel looked up from the terminal to see Vanoss.

"No, and what is this anomaly you're talking about?" Vanoss asked.

The hologram's perspective changes to the exterior of the Hub. Then, Brian starts swiping on the hologram, moving the camera to a more secluded area.

"There," he pointed on the spot. "Whatever's going on there is causing some massive gamma readings."

"Gamma readings?" Vanoss asked as he turned off his music.

"Yeah, you know. The same thing that turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk." Marcel retorted as he continued looking through the monitors.

"I know what gamma is, Marcel. Don't be a cuck about it." Vanoss said as he crossed his arms.

"Chill, guys. We're not here to fight." Brian calmly said as he continued going through the schematics.

Vanoss sighed as he glanced towards the other things that took his interest. Such as the World Map, a simple screen that shows all the worlds (Games) that they visited for the Last Eight Years, several communication devices that are either obsolete, destroyed, or simply forgotten, and a mini-fridge that, for some reason, is placed right beside the Main Panel.

"Look, maybe the party preparations made us stress a little. But that doesn't mean we should outlet our frustrations on one another." Brian looked to see the two people staring at him. Realization hit him as he frowned a little.

"I...made it sound worse than intended, didn't I?"

"Yeah, I'ma be honest with you, Brian. That sounded gay, not that I have anything against gay people, mind you." Marcel said as Vanoss chuckled at the statement.

"Hehe, yeah. It just sounded wrong, you know?" Vanoss said.

"Goddammit, get your head out of the gutter, you two!" Brian made a disgusted look, prompting the two to laugh at his reaction.

The laughter soon died as Brian went back to the holographic table and checked for the previously mentioned Gamma readings.

"Seriously, guys. Whatever's causing this much readings is probably something dangerous." Brian pointed out.

"True, but we have drones and bots to take care of it, bro," Marcel said.

"You know I don't trust those things. They practically glitch out overtime." Brian argued.

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