First Day, lots of Problems.

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Brian was always susceptible to pain in his line of work. He knew how a gunshot feels like, explosives and shrapnel penetrating through his body, getting mauled by animals, having your guts disemboweled, getting crushed, etc. And most of the time, he didn't mind them in the slightest.

Headaches, on the other hand, are a bane to his existence. Not because of the pain but rather its effects on him. Most of the time, any person with a headache could walk it off or go to the doctor if there is anything wrong. However, Brian's cybernetics prevent him from doing such conventional things, mainly due to his brain activity which reacts to the headache, causing spasms to his cybernetic parts.

Add to the fact that his body comprises nearly eighty percent of cybernetic parts, and you would have him in a state similar to a seizure, minus the effects and symptoms of it, and more of a nuisance of having his body lock in place because of it. Luckily, that only happens in certain conditions, but even so, he is still affected by it. Mainly in balancing and having his limbs shake uncontrollably from time to time.

A short while pass as his headache subsided. He noticed that he was in a dimly lit cave, on top of a wooden bed of sorts. He also saw his jacket on a crude wooden chair beside him. He quickly grabbed it and inspected the inside of it.

"No no no no no, please tell me no one touched it."

On the left side of the jacket were rows and rows of sunglasses, with one pink star-shaped sunglasses sticking out amongst the vast colors of black. On the right side are the more practical items like a wallet, which is more of an accessory than a useful item thanks to his Inventory, which was also there, his YouTuber I.D. card, a small pistol which he didn't know was there, a pack of chewing gum, and his smartphone.

"Ah, thank God." He sighed as he relaxed on the bed. Only for him to straighten up when he heard a creak from what sounded like a door. He also heard footsteps echoing as two people were conversing with one another.

"-so you're telling me he's not dead?" One voice said.

"Yes, for the last time, Welyn, I didn't do anythin' to him. The wanker was just on the ground, knocked out and shit," another voice said.

"Well, if you say so," the first voice, now known as Welyn, said.

Two people entered the room, and almost immediately, Brian was on guard, waiting to see what would the two do. He noticed the first person wearing a skull mask with a cloak covering their entire body. The only thing that was note-worthy was the blunderbuss hanging on the front of a military vest of sorts.

The second guy reminded Brian of the main character from Breaking Bad but was younger and slightly chubbier on the face. The guy also donned a hood over his head as he glared at Brian.

"Oh, look who's finally awake. the fockin' Walmart brand Terminator himself." the second guy said, grabbing Brian's attention.

"What?" he asked.

"Ignore him," the first guy, who Brian immediately recognize as the guy named Welyn, said. "So, um, you alright?"

Brian wasn't sure, but he knew he felt decent enough to stand up.

"I guess so," he replied.

"See?" the second guy said. "Told you he'd be fine."

"Shut it, Tear," Welyn said.

"Okay, slow down for a sec. Who the hell are you, guys?" Brian questioned.

The two looked at each other before looking back at Brian. The guy named Tear stepped in front of Welyn and stared at Brian.

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