Reawaken in a New World

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Somewhere, in an unknown plane of existence

The first thing Wildcat woke up to was the splitting sensation of being hit by something similar to a speeding bus. While the feeling hasn't stopped, his blurry vision slowly faded as he realizes he's no longer within the confines of the building.

"What the fu..." he muttered, unable to finish cussing.

What was instead a broken, barren town full of zombies was replaced with the lush greens of the forest, filled with life and ambiance. It wouldn't feel out of place if it weren't for the feeling of uncertain dread Wildcat felt. He shakily looked at his hands to find anything out of the ordinary. But nothing was out of the ordinary.

"I'm dead," he said. "I'm actually fuckin' dead, aren't I?"

He slowly got up on his feet as he looked around to find something or anything he knew. His shoulders relaxed as soon as no immediate danger has come to him.

'The hell am I gonna do?' he thought as he picked up a stick from the ground and tosses it near a bush. Suddenly, a lizard-like creature the size of a house cat jumps out of it, scaring Wildcat in the process.

"AAAAAHHH!!!" he tumbled back before landing on his butt. He glared at the creature, but it paid no mind to him as it licked its eye with its long tongue.

He heard several birds chirping and squawking. Some even flew above Wildcat in packs, away from the area. He groaned in annoyance and laid down on the ground, staring at the sky. He already misses his friends as the silence from the forest is starting to get to him slightly. He could still hear the faint screams of one of his buddies.

"HELP!!" the voice sounded a little too real, which caused Wildcat to jolt back up. "SOMEONE FUCKIN" HELP!!!"

He knew that voice from anywhere, and he started running in the direction of the noise. A few minutes went by as he made it to where the voice came from. and he could see a familiar friend high up a tree and away from a large bear.

"Marcel!" Wildcat yelled out.

"Wildcat?!" he looked surprised before continuing. "Holy shit, can you help a brother out?!"

The bear turned in the direction of Wildcat, who by then took another stick from the ground and held it like a blunt spear. The bear stared at him for a few seconds before roaring and dashing to him. Wildcat acted fast by rolling to the side just as the bear was about to pounce at him. It turned to look at him, only to get hit by Wildcat's stick.

"Ha! Suck it, bitch!" he yelled. The bear looked unamused and simply yanked the stick from his hands, leaving him weaponless.

"Oops," he said. "God, I wish I had my guns now."

His wish came true when a certain double-barreled weapon materialized on his hand. He panicked upon seeing the Weapon before realizing what just happened.

"Oh right, Inventory," he chuckled slightly. "God, I'm a fuckin' moron sometimes."

The bear roared once more, this time standing up and trying to intimidate Wildcat. What it didn't expect was the shotgun on his hands to fire and hit the bear's throat. He fired another shot just in case, leaving a gaping wound to the animal's neck and chest area.

"I said it before, and I'll say it again...Whoops," Wildcat rested his weapon to the side as Marcel, witnessing the action, slowly climbed down the tree. A few minutes went by, and Marcel eventually reached ground level and dusted himself from any dirt on him.

"Thanks for that, Wildcat," he said.

"No prob, dude," Wildcat replied as a thought came into mind. "Wait, the hell happened to your inventory?"

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