Mayhem in the Field.

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The silence was deafening for Vanoss, Nogla, and Delirious. Here they are, surrounded by shocked, and potentially, angry bandits that were staring at the body that was once one of their greatest fighters they had. What's worse was that the three of them are practically surrounded. Thankfully, the Village Chief was already gone by then and has fled to the village. Otherwise, he would've been caught in the crossfires. The three hoped that Scotty did evacuate the hostages on time.

"They're gone!" One of the bandits yelled out. "The hostages are gone!!"

"WHAT?!!" Lieutenant's response was expected. He then glared at the trio, and mostly, on Vanoss. "You!"

"Hehe, yeah." Vanoss chuckled. "Didn't expect to get bamboozled?"

"Oh, you are not getting away with this, bird," Lieutenant then raises his weapon, a broadsword, towards the trio. "Once I'm done with you and those friends of yours, I'll raze that village to the ground."

"Hey, you did say "to the death." That would imply I should kill him," Vanoss said. "Plus, your security's shit honestly."

"Heh, I'll keep that in mind, once I get rid of yah and that bloody damned village."

The bandits began circling them until there was no escape for the trio. Lieutenant came forth with a shit-eating grin as he gripped the handle of his weapon.

"Any last words before my men and I cut yah down?" he questioned.

"Yeah," Vanoss then rested his hand on his radio. "Plan B."

"Plan B? Now?" Brock asked.

"Yes, you idiot!" Nogla yelled, grabbing the radio off of Vanoss.

"Really? That's what you're gunna say?" Lieutenant mocked. "Eh, can't complain really."

"Where's the plan B, guys?!" Vanoss said.

"Workin' on it!" Scotty yelled out. "Done!"

What followed next was absolute madness for the group. A chain of explosives detonated almost at the same time, which resulted in nearly half of the Lieutenant's men killed. The trio ducked down as they covered their ears from the loud explosions happening nearby.

Once the explosions subsided and the debris stopped raining, the group looked to see what was left of the explosions and saw many surviving bandits, including Lieutenant and his followers. Nogla saw this as an opportunity and summoned one of his heavy weapons, the Widowmaker, from his Inventory and aimed it at them.

"Eat lazer, motherfuckah!!" Nogla yelled, revving the weapon up before unleashing hell towards the bandits.

The lasers struck multiple bandits, either melting them or setting them ablaze. The rest of the bandits that did survive the first wave pushed forward with their weapons in hand. Delirious and Vanoss soon joined with Nogla as they began fighting off against the bandits.

Delirious summoned his bat as he mercilessly attacked any bandit that's near him. He swings at one of them, completely shattering the bandit's jaw off him. He strikes another one to the chest, crushing the bandit's ribcage. He then swings a devastating blow to a third bandit, which mutilates the person almost to the shoulder-down.

Vanoss used his trusty shotgun as he began picking off any bandit that came to him. Although it would not last when more bandits began surrounding him to the point where one was able to land a hit at him.

He retaliated by punching the man and shoving an armed grenade into the bandit's shirt before tossing him towards the rest of the bandit group. The grenade exploded, killing five more bandits and injuring plenty.

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