Quite The Awakening

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(Hey, ya'll. Been a while, eh? Anyways, just about done making the finishing touches on this short chapter before heading back to class. Enjoy.)


Somewhere, in an unknown room

When CaRtOoNz woke up, he expected to be back into the zombie-infested world that is GTA. With all the bullcrap that has happened, he would think that he and the others would spawn right back and jump into the fray once again while the others stayed safe.

Instead, he only sees blank white walls and a tile roof over him. He slowly picks himself up. But as he did, he sees a tube that is connecting to his forearm. He follows to where it originates from and sees a stand with an IV bag on it, and as he continues to look over himself, he sees that he's wearing a hospital gown.

"What the fuck..." he mutters as he gets up. "Is anyone here?"

No one answered as CaRtOoNz begins to feel vulnerable. Feeling that the silence is getting to him, he gets up from the bed and begins to drag the IV stand with him.

He then sees a nightstand with a few of his belongings: a phone, a wallet, and the ever-useful Inventory. He quickly grabs all three items just as he straps the Inventory onto his wrist before placing the other items in it.

He then turns his attention towards the door before approaching it. But just as he is about to reach the handle, it suddenly jerks as CaRtOoNz immediately moves his hand away. He then lifts the IV stand with both hands just as he waits for whatever's outside to come in. But when the door did open, he stood there confused.

In front of him is a short yellow reptile person with a lab coat and glasses holding a clipboard on hand. They appeared frightened the moment their eyes looked at CaRtOoNz holding the IV stand with both hands. Seeing this, he places the stand down almost immediately before looking at the reptilian.

"U-ummm..." the reptilian stutters, sounding feminine. The reptilian then uses her clipboard to shield her face from CaRtOoNz. "P-please don't hurt me!"

"Woah woah woah!" CaRtOoNz shakes his hands. "Calm down. I didn't mean to scare ya. I'm sorry."

The reptilian slowly moves her clipboard down to her waist as she looks at him.

"Y-you're not?" she asks.

"No no no," he said before adding. "Just as long if you aren't."

"Of course I'm not!" she said. "I was here to check on you as well as the others!"

"Others?" CaRtOoNz questions.

"You know. The people that were with you? Your f-friends, perhaps?"

It is there that CaRtOoNz remembers that he and his friends were being engulfed by a blue energy wave right before he blacks out.

"Shit! The guys!" he yells out as he begins walking out the door.

"C-careful! You're still not in perfect condition to move on your own!" the reptilian said.

"Bullshit! I'm perfectly fine!" CaRtOoNz says just as he trips onto the floor. "...ow."

"Jeez, Alphys. Sure know how to make a patient run for his money," a voice said near him.

He slowly looks up to find a woman with blue scales for skin. What's more is that the woman has fins on both sides of her head, and as CaRtOoNz squints, he sees something that resembles the gills of a fish. He then looks up to see an eyepatch covering her left eye.

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