An Unexpected Explanation

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A look of concern spread across Aizawa's face for a split second, until he said, "I understand which means that our Y/n had a quirk malfunction"

I just looked at him dumbfounded, "...wait, what?" Aizawa simply rolled his eyes and said, "Y/n's quirk or as I should say, your quirk, is Cat Eye..."

I looked at him with interest and said, "Well, what does Cat Eye do?"

Aizawa looks at me and says, "Cat Eye allows you to controll and manipulate space, time, matter and your animalistic form...You see this means by activating Cat Eye you can stop or fast forward time," I look at him excitedly getting ready to say something when he cut me off, "no, you cannot time travel using this quirk. Your quirk also allows you to change which space dimension, or universe your currently in. That explains why your here and our   Y/n isn't. You can also controll the matter around you meaning you can take that rug and turn it into a knife..oh...and the thing about you changing your animalistic form, well, let's just say you can transform from human into any form of feline but while in human form you have a cat tail and ears constantly. Does that explain it well enough for you?"

My eyes widen, I hadn't even realized the human sized, h/c cat tail swinging beside my face.
I just nod in response still completely shook about the whole ordeal. "So, how long will I be in this universe for?"

Aizawa looked away with a worried expression written on his face, I began to panic a bit, then he said, "Well our Y/n has professionalized her quirk, but, I'm afraid that, that's not going to be enough for her to figure out to come back to this universe fr quite a long time..."

I felt tears welling up in my eyes while I was panic stricken, so I would be stuck here until the other me figures out how to get us back to our original world's.

Aizawa spoke up, "Also, about you and Kirishima dating and everyone else in class 1-A, it would probably be best if you just pretended you are our Y/n and that nothing is wrong..."

I simply nod my head and stand up, "Can you show me to the washroom please.." he nodded and led me to the washroom. I walk in their and saw that (if your and emby you can pick between them if your a girl it's Uraraka if your a boy it's Deku)'s clothes sitting in an open locker. (Deku or Urakaka) walk out of a shower in only a bath robe. "Oh! Hey, Y/n!!" (Deku or Urakaka says cheerfully). I simply wave at the excited greeting and walk toward the sink where I then start splashing cold water on my face.

I look up at the mirror and see my newly discovered tail swinging behind me. The sight of it saddens me as I realize, I may never go home and might be stuck like this forever...

523 Words!!! I hope you guys enjoyed!! If you have any requests for this story I will read them!! But I only do fluff or angst!!! Also if you want me to make an adjustment to Y/n just tell me what it is and I'll see if it fits!! Also if you want me to make mini side stories between you and Kirishima just tell me the setting and entire scene I'm completely open to NON-INNAPROPRIATE ideas!! Alrights byeeee Luvs!!!

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