What Happened?

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I woke up in a small dark room with my hands held behind my back with...wait is that....steel handcuffs!? I opened my mouth prepared to scream until I noticed the cloth gag in my mouth prohibiting me from doing so. I look down trying to think of a way to escape when I noticed the pool of blood underneath my knees, staining my jeans. I wondered where it had been coming from which is whenever I noticed the wound in my shoulder. It looked as if someone had stabbed me with large needles..to be specific three large needles.

I immediately tried thinking back to what had happened to me but nothing came to mind.
....how am I going to g to out of this mess..


• • •

I felt something yanking in my hair vigorously which immediately woke me up from my unconsciousness. When I opened my eyes I looked over and saw Pom Pom eating my hair. Wait...Pom Pom!? I quickly look around and notice I'm laying down where I was right before I was transferred to the Universe with Kirishima. I noticed my phone laying on my chest which had apparently powered off automatically. I felt strangely exhausted as if I had slept too long for my body to handle.

I heard keys inside the door and then it clicked and opened. My mom walked through the door looking exhausted, she was wearing the same thing as she was a month ago when she left for work, I looked down and noticed that I was in the same clothes as I was before I had disappeared.  A large wave of relief, surprise, saddness, and joy had washed over me all at once. I jumped up and ran to my mom hugging her in a tight embrace mumbling to her that I had missed her and loved her and she seemed surprised to say the least.

That's when I realized something...When's the next time I'll ever see Kirishima and everyone else again...

I hope this chapter was good everyone and if you have any recommendations for the next chapter please comment! But don't forget that THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE STORY!!! Kk I love y'all!!!

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