The Beginning of a New Life

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After I had gotten Aizawa Sensei he told Toru and I to wait outside of my room while he spoke with them. I'm extremely worried about them considering they aren't naturally a very emotional person. So, after seeing them break down like that I've been really on edge. I hope they're okay. I'm currently walking to class 1-A with Bokubro, Mina, Denki, Sero, and Jirou. Out of the corner of my eye I see Mina looking at me with a worried expression on her face, which is rare considering she's naturally a bubbly, and joyful person.

I break the awkward silence between the group and speak up by smiling and saying, "So the license exams are coming up what do you guys think of that?"

I watch as Mina's expression changes from worried to excited in a matter of seconds and she starts jumping up and down while screaming in excitement, "I can't wait I'm so excited!!!I wonder what everyone their will be like!! Ouh!! I wonder what all schools will be there!!!" I look at Bokubro as he Shoves his hands inside his pockets and says, "You extras won't compare to my talent. You all will be dead weight for this class." And then he scoffed.

Denki and Sero looked at each other with a mixture of emotions written on their faces, "If I'm honest, I probably won't even come close to passing the licensing exams. I can barely control my quirk, let alone use it without going brain-dead." As Denki did the last part he put his fists out in two thumbs up motions while crossing his eyes and smiling like a dumby causing us all to laugh.

Sero spoke up and said, "My quirk isn't all that good I doubt I'll pass too, the most I'm capable of doing is swinging from one high place to another with my tape. I'm not all that good at hand to hand combat either." I was getting ready to tell the both of them that they had really good quirks and would pass breathlessly whenever Jirou piped up and said, "Eh, you two might be stupid but your quirks will get you pretty far in the licensing exams, I mean, neither of you died whenever we were fighting the villains at the USJ, shouldn't that count for something?" Sero and Denki looked at Jirou dumbfounded by the fact that she just attempted to bring their spirits up while also complimenting them. The rest of us just laughed at the stupid expressions on the boys faces.


I woke up to the buzzing sound of my alarm clock. I got up and walked over to the dresser in the room I'm currently staying in. In all honesty it wasn't that different from the room I have back in my universe. The only difference was that the pictures of my mom, dad and I were different, yes they were the same as the ones back home but in these ones I had cat ears and a cat tail all the way down to the age of 4. And not just that but the pictures of just my mom and I were instead pictures of just my dad and I. This made me get sad because my dad had died whenever I turned 7..But apparently instead of my dad who died it was my mom. I simply pushed it off in hopes that I wouldn't be sad on my first day at UA. I walked over to the dresser and to my surprise everything was in the same place as it was back at home extremely (neat or messy whichever one it is with ye) I grabbed my uniform and threw it on putting on my shoes.

I walked up to the UA building and saw floating clothing and a backpack, I knew immediately who it was, Toru. I ran up to her and she asked if I was ready to walk to class with her I nodded in response. Once we walked into class everyone's eye's fell on me. Which leads me to assume either Toru or Kirishima told the class about my break downs last night. It was definetly Toru, Kiri doesn't seem like a dramatic person. I just shrug it off and walked to the desk Aizawa told me to sit at. Around 5 minutes later Aizawa walked in and started teaching about something I didn't pay attention too until he fell asleep.
Well I geuss this is my life now...

762 words!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed!!! If you have any input on it whatsoever please, let me know!!! Welp buh-bye Luvs!!!!

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