The Shedded Tears

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Nobody's POV

Whenever you were crying you had fell asleep from all of the undeniable excitement. Kirishima had gotten worried about you sense you had started to cry out of no where, so being the caring person he is, he cuddled you until you fell asleep again. Once you had fell asleep he had gotten up, stepped out onto the balcony of his dorm room and called your bestfriend, Toru.

Kirishima's POV

"Hey Kirishima what's up!?" Toru asked delightfully from the other side of the phone.
"Hey Toru... Is there any chance that Y/N is keeping something important from me?..." I ask sadly..
", why, what's wrong?"
"We-" She cut me off.
"OMG!! Is Y/N in trouble!?!? Did something bad happen!?! I'm coming over right now!!" She screamed through the phone, hurting my ears.
"Wait To-" She hung up.

Great. Just great. Now Toru's coming over. Not that I have anything against her it's just that she gets a bit reckless whenever see worried.


I slowly opened my eyes to the sudden loss of warmth to see Kirishima through the window talking to someone on the phone. I sat up and looked around realizing that this was Kirishima's dorm room. I studied the room intently staring at the weights and the white painted walls with red curtains. I look over and watched as Kirishima put his phone down and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. Then I heard the door swing open immediately drawing my attention to the door. I see a floating hoodie and shorts. Kirishima walked out from off the balcony and the floating clothing quickly moved over to me grasping me in a hug and asking too many questions to think straight. For the most part all the questions were either 'Are you okay? What happened? And were you crying?'  I just looked up at Kirishima extremely confused, he just stared down at me and shrugged his shoulders with an uneasy look on his face.
"N-no? Yes? I don't know?" Was all that came out of my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye I could kind of see Kirishima chuckling at how much I was stuttering.

Nobody's POV

Kirishima chuckled softly under his breath as Y/N stuttered and then spoke up, "Toru leave them alone they are obviously uncomfortable because of the amount of questions your asking."
Y/N blushes when Kirishima spoke up and Toru whined getting off of you and sitting down.

Kirishima clicked his tongue and sighed then he looked at Toru and said, "The only reason I called you is because Y/N woke up really panicked and had started to cry.."

Based off the way Toru's clothing moved it had looked like she turned to face Y/N and had looked Y/N dead in the eye, butttttttt Y/N wasn't sure because Y/N can't really see much of her.

Y/N got kind of embarassed and sad as they thought about what had happened prier to this. Tears pricked the corners of their eyes as they looked away from them.

Kirishima started to get a little bit worried as he noticed Y/N about to cry. So he walked over and hugged Y/N and said, "Would it make you feel better if I went and got Aizawa Sensei to talk to you about all of this in private?"

Y/N slowly nodded in hopes that Aizawa could help them with the current situation their in.


15 minutes later with Aizawa

Aizawa lazily looked at you as you grabbed the sleeve of your hoodie nervously and asked, "You needed me Y/N?"

"Y-yes Aizawa Sensei.." you reply.

Aizawa leaned forward without interest and said, "Well go on then Y/N, I don't have all day,"

"W-well you see...I'm not the Y/N from this world..."

Ha...I hate cliffhangers but I love whenever I leave you guys with'm!! Until next time I hope you enjoy le story so far!!! Buh bye loves!!! UwU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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