Chapter 5: Pumpkin

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TW: you don't lose your orgasm, per se, in this one. Flip gets handsy like the naughty boy he is in front of people and things don't end up escalating past some intense eye contact due to a phone call that comes in. But we fuck him in his truck to completion so there's that. 👈💅🏻

"What about this one?" Flip asked, holding up another flannel that was slightly different from the last.

"Honey, I highly doubt my dad is going to pass judgment on you based on the shirt you've decided to wear," you reassured him. "But, if you're asking me which one you look hotter in, it would be this one," you pulled a different flannel out of the closet. The classic red and black checkered pattern.

"You always pick that one," he smirked, shaking his head.

"And I always will because it's superior," you said, searching the closet for your own outfit.

"Be more worried about questions like... why do you think you're ready to get married? why did you propose to her before asking for my approval?... you know, typical dad questions," you said casually as you held up a dress to your frame, looking at yourself in the full-length mirror.

"He's gonna ask me those questions?" Flip seemed more anxious now. "Well, what the fuck do I say?" he urged, whisking on the flannel you picked out.

You undressed and stood in front of him in your bra and underwear, placing your hands on his chest. "You just be yourself, baby. Be yourself and he will love you," you said, perching up on your toes to kiss his lips. "But no matter what he thinks, I'm still going to marry you."

Flip stuck out his bottom lip in a pouting gesture. "... but my daddy issues need his approval."

You snickered at him even though it was a disheartening confession. Flip's own father passed away when he was a young teenager so he ended up becoming "the man" of the house early in life, taking care of his mother and younger sister. He worked odd jobs here and there after school, mostly helping local farmers with their land and doing some construction. It was how he acquired his strong handyman skills that had been paying off since you moved into Hopper's place. Flip had already managed to fix drywall damage in the living room and update the bathroom.

Your relationship with your father was generally good. It took him years to realize that you were an adult and didn't need his approval or opinion on matters anymore, so instead, he tried to respect you as an individual and offered advice from time to time. He couldn't help but feel protective over you since your mother abandoned the two of you when you were still a toddler. She took off with some new love she found and never turned back. You don't remember her, but you've seen pictures and despise how much the two of you look alike.

Flip remained nervously quiet on the car ride to the restaurant and you tried your best to ease his mind.

"You know I was thinking, maybe a fall wedding...?" you asked him, trying to change the subject to something happy. "Something outside, with all the pretty colors from the leaves... what do you think?"

"That sounds nice," he said nodding, eyes on the road.

"I still need to ask Sara to be my maid of honor. I mean, I'm sure she knows the title is hers, but I should make it official. Have you asked anyone to be your best man yet?"

A small chuckle came from him. "Nope. Haven't even thought that far," he leaned up to grab the cigarette pack from the dash and pulled one out. "Suppose I should call Ron about it," he flicked the zippo open and lit the cigarette, whisking it shut abruptly after. "That kind of shit is right up his alley, he would be fucking delighted," he said exhaling smoke from his nose and smiling.

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