Chapter 12: The first 48 hours

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TW: PTSD warning - graphic depictions of violence - blood. No smut.

Toggling between Flip's, Y/N's, and Hopper's POV.


"Jesus, man... you look like shit," Ron said, stepping into Flip's office. "You know, more so than usual."

Flip sighed and rubbed his weary face with his hand, taking note of the clock on the wall.

11:32 AM

By noon it would be a full 24 hours since Flip last saw you, and he knew with every strike of the hour the chances of finding you grew bleaker.

"How was your flight?" Flip asked, changing the subject.

"Rough, lots of turbulence. But I made it. And just in time, too, as it appears," Ron peeked at Flip. "When the last time you slept? Or showered? Or ate?"

Flip tipped his coffee cup at Ron with a lazy nod.

"I've been up much longer than this working on cases. You remember. We did that one together and stayed at the station for three days straight."

Ron chuckled. "Yeah, but that don't mean it's good for you."

Flip scoffed at Ron. "Well, what the hell am I supposed to do, man? Go home? Sleep like a baby in our bed while she's..."

Flip couldn't continue, thinking of all the horrible things that you could be facing. Did you even have a place to sleep or were you tied up and being held captive in some hell hole?

Ron frowned and returned. "I know. I get it. And we will find her. But in the meantime, you need to take care of yourself. You're useless if you're too tired or hungry to think quickly."

Flip stood up and stretched, reaching his arms up and over his head.

"Alright, fine. Let's go grab some breakfast and then I'll come back and take a nap," he said, indicating to the old couch that was in his office for such circumstances.

Ron and Flip stopped at an old diner down the road from the station and went through the events over the last 24 hours while digging into their bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

"So... she was supposed to come back to your cell and... bring you pie..." Ron rolled his eyes at the sexual reference while chewing on a piece of bacon. "...but, she left the station like an hour before then and hasn't been seen since?"

Flip nodded along without a word, pushing his food all around the plate while barely eating any of it.

"And Jack Ryan is also missing... along with..."


"Right... Sara. Have I met Sara?"

Flip sighed. "Yes, you've met her. She was the one who tortured Mandy."

"Oooooh, riiiight. Sara. Mmm. A little rough around the edges. I like her."

Flip pulled out his phone for the hundredth time to check it, fearing he would miss an important call or text. His heart fell each time he saw no new notifications.

Ron looked over at him with a pout. "Hey man. She's gonna be okay, alright? We'll find her." he said, trying to offer Flip some hope. "Is there anything I can do?"

Flip stabbed at a cut up pile of pancakes with his fork, taking one last bite of out pure necessity and nothing else. He wiped his mouth with his napkin and swallowed, glancing at his blank phone screen again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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