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I left Paul a note telling him I would be out of town for the night but that I'll be back tomorrow, with the time & an invite to the pack for Bella's graduation & the party after.

I didn't pack anything there wasn't a point we were only going for the night so I grabbed my toothbrush & made my way to the Cullen's house hoping I could convince Emmett to do a quick training session before we left but there was no such luck "no way Becka it's my day off, now would you please get in the damn jeep." He rolled his eyes.

I pouted "spoil sport." I grumbled hopping into the passenger seat beside him.

"Nag, nag, nag." He said with a smirk.

"You're such a chad." I said poking my tongue at him.

"What's a chad? Should I be insulted?" He asked.

I chuckled "look it up, sparkles." I retorted as we pulled out of the garage.

The drive to Seattle was fun, I almost forgot the reason we were headed there in the first place.
We sang Blink 182 songs & joked around, Emmett confided in me about some issues he was having with Rose & I listened it felt good to have such a normal friendship within this mess.
"I mean I love Rose, really I do but sometimes she can be such a-" he cut himself off.

"A bitch, is the word you're looking for Em." I chuckled.

He grinned "well yeah but I wasn't going to say it." 

I nodded "I respect that, you'd never say a bad word about her & that on it's own says how much you love her." 

He smiled "thanks for getting it Becka." 

We arrived at the hotel & my jaw almost hit the floor "this is way out of my price range." I said with wide eyes, the building was huge, painted white with gold trim windows, the valet came to collect our car & I noticed the water feature inside.

"Lucky for you I'm paying." He said resting his arm over my shoulders.

"I didn't know you were loaded, new jeans on you pal." I joked, he chuckled.

"You think I would actually make you pay for anything on this trip? You're family dingus." He rolled his eyes.

"Wait, no Emmett I was kidding." I shook my head but was interrupted by the guy at the desk.

"Room for Cullen." Emmett said, the man smiled the usual fake smile as he typed in the name & handed us a room key.

"Floor 5 room 407, have a wonderful stay Mr & Misses Cullen." He said, I opened my mouth to protest but Emmett beat me to it.

"Thank you." He said & began to steer me away.

"Oh great now that guy thinks we're married." I rolled my eyes, Emmett burst out into laughter "real mature." I shook my head as I fought back a laugh of my own, we stepped into the elevator & the doors closed behind us.

"Lighten up Becka, it can't all be doom & gloom." He said, he was right, we technically didn't start until tonight & the day was just cloudy enough that we could go outside & have some fun.

We put our bags in the room & headed out again, stopping by a book store for Bella's present "I don't do books you're gonna have to help me." He said.

"I got this, she likes Shakespeare." I walked up to the counter & smiled at the small girl behind it but her eyes were glued on Emmett, she looked over her specks at him in awe "hi" I said cheerfully & she almost jumped out of skin.

"H-hello." She stumbled just barely pulling herself together.

"I'm looking for anything Shakespeare, collectors edition preferably." I said, she nodded for me to follow her down some of the stacked aisles & to the back of the store.

Lunatic | Paul Lahote | Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now