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Paul's House, La Push Reservation

Paul awoke the next morning to what would be another rainy day, he wanted nothing more than to see Becka's sleeping form beside him. He wanted to caress her cheek & run his fingers softly over the scars on her neck like he did every morning but he couldn't because she'd been ripped away from him.
He was mad, mad because he had wasted precious time bickering with her & avoiding the issues at hand, mad because he retreated the moment he saw her vampiric abilities, mad because he didn't get a chance to say how sorry he was & try to make up for it.
"Loca?" He called through the bond.

"Paul?" Becka's sweet voice surrounded him, grabbed at his very soul & wrapped it up in hers, his heart ached at the sound of her voice.

"Have they hurt you, again?" He asked hearing how weak she sounded even in his head, he needed to know she was okay.

"Only physically, it's Elise. They send her in every night but they won't kill me-" she paused "at least not yet."

Paul had to blink back the tears, he sniffed as he shook the image of his imprint bruised & beaten from his head.
"I'm so sorry baby." He said even the voice in his mind was shaking.

"It's not your fault, I had to do it, I couldn't watch them hurt Emmett." She attempted to comfort him but to no avail that only made it worse, she gave herself up for her friend, she was loyal to a default.

"I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you." Paul said dropping the issue.

"I'm sorry too, baby but hey the other day when we were at Sam's house & I was hanging out with you guys, that was the best day I've had in months." She said, they were silent for a beat before she spoke again "No matter what happens, you're the one thought that's kept me going through this." 

Paul sobbed then, wiping the tears with the back of his hand as he pulled her pillow to his chest & inhaled her scent.
"I'm not going to let them hurt you. The second they bring you to us I'll get to you, I swear it." He vowed "after all this shit, I won't leave your side until you tell me." 

"Funny-" she laughed "I was going to say the same." Paul smiled.

"Soon, Loca." He promised 

"Soon." She agreed, Paul sat up from the bed with a whole new drive, the sun hadn't even begun to rise yet & he was already on his way to the training grounds hoping that someone else would be there early too.

When Paul walked into the clearing he was shocked to see Emmett doing chin ups on a tree branch, he dropped down & looked Paul over once "hey." Emmett said breaking the silence.
"Hey." Paul replied not sure how to respond.
"You're up early." Emmett said trying to make conversation.
Paul shrugged "why are you out so early?"
Emmett stretched his legs not that he needed too, Paul assumed it was out of habit "I've been out here this early since I got back from Seattle." He said.
Paul took in a sharp breath "look I don't do apologies but I know Becka would want me too so...It's not your fault, she would have done that for any of us & she wouldn't want me making you feel like shit for her protecting you."
Emmett smiled at him "thanks man, I apricate that. She told me to tell her family she loved them by the way." Paul nodded feeling uncomfortable in his presence, he wanted to say thank you for telling him but he couldn't bring himself to do it, he was a vampire after all so there was no way Paul would ever thank him for anything & Emmett raised an eyebrow at him seeming to pick up on the awkwardness "so you want to spar?" He asked.

Paul's head snapped up then & he wore a wicked grin "I heard you were the strongest one?"

Emmett rolled his shoulders & smirked "you heard right." Paul laughed settling into a fighting stance as Emmett did the same.

Lunatic | Paul Lahote | Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now