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I awoke on a dirty mattress & groaned my head was throbbing, I could feel my hair mattered from where the blood pooled, I blinked my eyes opened & looked around the dark room, the walls were a mixture of brick & metal, clearly some kind of warehouse.
I looked around for a way out but there was no windows only a steal door that locked from the outside no doubt, I sat up & lent against the wall behind me, I winced as I looked down at my hand, it was bruised & swollen, definitely broken.
I shook my head as the door creaked open & a girl walked in with a plate of food in her hands "I'm not eating that." I said bluntly.

She continued over to me & placed it on the bed beside me standing back "Riley isn't here, I made this." She said, I studied her features.

"Why?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her suspiciously, she slowly lowered herself to sit down beside me.

"Not all of us asked for this." She said simply as she crossed her legs.

"Bree right?" I asked, recognising her as the most recent missing persons case.

She nodded "how do you know that?" She asked.

"My dad's the chief of police in Forks, the town over. We've been helping Seattle with the missing persons cases & I saw yours yesterday." I said taking a spoon full of her soup.

"I didn't think anyone would notice I was gone." She said frowning at the concrete floor.

"Well on the file it says you ran away from home, they tracked you to Seattle & so they added you to the list." I shrugged.

"I had too." She said, looking at the floor.

"No judgement here, kid." I shrugged, I was sure she had her reasons no one just runs away from their father without one.

"Your hand was broken when he brought you in." She said looking at it. I placed my other hand over it & levelled her with a stare "I won't tell him but from the scars on your neck, I would assume the Cullens helped fix you." She said.

"Something like that-" I narrowed my eyes at her again as I bit into the bread, how did she know so much? "how do you all know who the Cullens are?" I asked.

"Riley told us of their powers, we're supposed to kill them." She said "I don't want to fight." her voice was small as she picked at her fingernails.

My heart ached for her, if she chose to fight she would die, they were all going to march to their deaths "then don't, why does Riley want to kill the Cullens?" I asked, if she was so willing to spill secrets I was going to take advantage of that.

"He's following orders from someone else." She said "I've never met them though."

I nodded & sighed "can you do me favour?" I asked & she look sceptical "I need you to break my hand again, I have to keep this a secret." I said wiggling my swollen fingers. She shook her head but I gave her a small smile "it's okay, I can handle it." I said pointing to the scars on my neck.

She took a deep breath & grabbed my hand squeezing it, I bit back a scream as she broke the bones again & nodded when she withdrew her hand.
She stood taking the bowl with her "hey Bree?" I called feeling the sweat trickle down my forehead "don't fight, there's another way to live through this, they're not all bad." I said breathlessly as my body tried to adjust to the new abuse.
She looked at me considering what I was saying as she closed the door behind her.
"Sweet kid." I said to myself rolling my eyes at the irony as I let my body sag against the wall.

I must have sat in that room for hours before Riley came in "Becka." He said looking every bit like the predator stalking his prey that he was.

"If you're gonna kill me Riley get it over with." I sighed acting bored, the truth was I was tired & sore from the beating he put on me.

Lunatic | Paul Lahote | Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now