Uncharted Territory

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The drive to the treaty line was tense, I called Paul to tell him to meet me there alone, Emmett refused to let me cross that line without him. No matter how many times I tried to assure him that Paul wouldn't hurt me, he insisted that the pack Paul in particular couldn't control their wolf sides. He knew so little.
When we pulled up Emmett jumped into the back of the truck & rested his chin on the roof "I thought they were fast." He huffed, I rolled my eyes.
"You know, you & I aren't good. Don't start making fun of my family or you'll regret it." I spat at him.
He only shrugged "we're going to have to fight eventually anyway, gotta test that strength out." He grinned.
I rolled my eyes as a twig snapped behind me "what's the leech doing here?" Paul asked clearly annoyed.
"He attached himself & wouldn't let go." I said standing directly on the treaty line, Paul frowned as he noticed I hadn't walked to him yet.
He nodded "what's wrong?" He asked, I let out a long breath & Emmett was suddenly at my side, his hand twitched as he held back from reaching for my shoulder to comfort me & instead crossed his arms leveling his eyes on Paul.
"I um-" I licked my lips "so I know how to tell you now, because I have answers to the questions I had. But um-" my words wouldn't come out, I just wanted the world to open up & swallow me. Why was this happening? "I'm not entirely human." I rushed out though it sounded more like a question than a statement.
Paul frowned & his nostrils flared as he turned to Emmett with a fire in his eyes that made even me shrink back "it's not Emmetts fault, when Embry jammed that needle in my neck after Quil attacked me he put too much venom in, its not anyones fault  none of us knew." I stepped back as Paul sniffed the air around me clearly looking for a vampiric scent "I'm not a vampire either." I added biting my quivering lip.
"Then what are you?" Paul sounded disgusted & my heart wretched.
"I'm half vampire, half human. My bones still break like a human, my life span is a little longer but not forever, I have vampiric abilities but human consequences-" Paul interrupted me with a shake of his head.
"What do you eat?" He asked gravely.
"Food. I don't need blood to survive but I can't be healed with venom again or I'll turn." He nodded slowly & considered what I was saying before I added "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't know how you'd react."
He ran his hands down his face letting out a long breath through his nose as he visibly tried to calm himself "fuck Becka! It's me, how did you think I'd react?" He asked throwing his hands in the air.
"I told you he would hulk out." Emmett said as he lent against the front of the truck, he was watching Paul with a protective frown as Paul's body shook slightly.
"I'm not hulking out leech, I'm pissed that my girlfriend couldn't trust me enough with this!" He yelled, I narrowed my eyes at Emmett & he nodded stepping back to sit in the tray of the truck.
I stepped over the treaty line then not caring about the consequences & looked up at Paul "I love you no matter what." He said pointing at the road aggressively as if it had personally kept my secrete from him "do you not understand that?" He asked tears filling his eyes.
I bit my lip & nodded "I was afraid, what if Sam ordered you to kill me? What if I wasn't able to see any of you again? It's not exactly like this is a normal situation." I pointed out, I inwardly cursed my tearducts as tears began to fill my own eyes.
"I would kill Sam before I ever laid a finger on you." He said, I nodded & he pulled me into him swearing under his breath "we'll get through this Loca, it's okay. We were never really normal to begin with." He promised smoothing my hair back.
"kwop kilawtley Becka? because I couldn't be without you." He whispered cupping my cheek with his large hand.
My heart swelled at him asking me to stay with him forever, it's always been expected but never asked "I will." I agreed as I reached up & kissed him urgently.
After a moment a throat clearing reminded me of Emmett's presence, I broke the kiss immediately & turned to face my truck, Emmett's hand shot up from over the roof as he waved not wanting to look.
I rolled my eyes & turned back to Paul giving him an apologetic smile "look I think it would be best if you told the pack without me-" I started to explain he opened his mouth to protest but I cut him off "if Sam makes that call I won't be safe with you, I'm going back to the Cullens until you give me the all clear, they'll protect me." I said, he frowned unconvinced.
"Damn straight we will!" Emmett hollered.
The corner of my mouth twitched as I shoved my hands in the back pockets of my jeans.
Paul nodded as he tucked my hair behind my ear.
"If he makes that call, which he won't, I'll come & get you we'll go somewhere safe, I promise." He said before kissing me hard & disappearing into the woods beyond.
"Should we head back to my place?" Emmett asked, I turned to see him hoping into the passenger seat & nodded.
"Where else could we go?" I asked with a huff.
"The diner I guess, that is if you're hungry." He shrugged, I shook my head.
"I couldn't eat right now." I said honestly, my whole body was so tense, my stomach would probably spit the food out on reflex.
"Getting blood cravings?" Emmett joked, I punched him with one fist as I started the truck with the other.
"Not funny, Sparkles." I growled, Emmett howled with laughter beside me but still held a hand over the spot on his arm where I had hit him.

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