Chapter 3 - Looking for You

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"What about 'Roux'? Mon petite Roux..."

"Nobody can say Roux right, maman. And they just think it's a sauce."

"Well, you're being awfully saucy right now, mister."

"Just say 'Red'. That sounds tougher too. I'm tough."

Renée Rivelle breathed a long-suffering sigh. "As you wish, ma puce. And what of him?"

She nodded to the younger boy, who was staring up anxiously at them from underneath his dark bangs, inching closer to Red.

"You were so insistent we bring him along."

"We couldn't leave him, maman. Not with daddy - he's a monster. In the shadows."

Although they never talked about it, four was not too young to remember. Neither was three - but Red hoped his little brother would soon forget their previous life.

Forget their mother bruised and bloody, torn away kicking and screaming, locked away from them. Forget their father's cold eyes, his games that were impossible to win, his servants that never helped them.

How there were no right answers, no safe places, no laughter in that vast mansion.

Only fear.

Red was four, and the younger child was three, and he wanted to shield him and keep him safe. From the past. In the future. Forever.

"So now that you have this alpha boy," their mother said cooly, "What will you call him?"

"I will call him..."

He glanced down at the soft, still chubby hand that gripped his own tightly. Then over into wide grey eyes, smiling reassuringly at his brother.


Some time later, Red vaguely registered entering what seemed to be a sleek, expensive lobby.

"Robin - you're familiar with a place like this...?"

"Familiar enough," the youth replied with an edge to his voice that made the omega's head snap up from where it hung, heavy, against his back.

 Voice turning grim, the alpha's hands gripped far up Red's thighs, nails digging in.

"Remember that I've been under our father's thumb for years, Red. You don't know me any longer."

"I know enough," he forced out, and then wondered if that was true.

Another wave of heat hit him, making the world quake and spin, and shivers wreck his body, simultaneously too hot and too cold.

Robin's dulcet voice faded into a comforting background noise, talking to someone.

A click of a card - credit card? Keycard? - on marble and Red then blinked slowly, dazed, eyes shutting, and jerked into awareness again as an elevator started going up, gilded mirrors surrounding him.

It was disorienting and he struggled, still slung over a firm, uncomfortable shoulder.

Where am I - oh, right.

"Did you fall asleep? I'm really starting to think those medications shouldn't be mixed..."

"Wh - where - ?"

"We're almost at the suite."

What kind of a hotel lets you carry someone in over your shoulder?

Robin Red (BxB) - Alpha x Omega StepbrothersWhere stories live. Discover now