Chapter 2: Searching For Her

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I got to my house, in a small neighborhood outside of the city, I fumbled with my keys as I heard my motion detector go off in my house, and my german shepherd, Max, started barking inside. I unblocked the door and greeted Max. I was anxious to get to my computer, so I kept the greeting short. I rushed over to my computer at the kitchen bar and sat down. I took a deep breath and opened it, signed in and logged into the database, "She has to be put into records by now..." I murmured to myself. I started out with just typing her name in. 24 matches, I didn't have the patience for this, so I put in the address, and it said 0 matches. "What?!" I fumed and threw my arms up "How is this possible?!" I looked over at Max, who was tilting his head, confused. "Ugh, you wouldn't understand." I scoffed. I looked at the description button in the right corner of the screen, and as I clicked on it, I suddenly felt discouraged as I saw a screen load full of little boxes I had to fill in. I sighed and started to fill in the boxes. Black hair, brown eyes, olive skin tone, 5'5 - 5'6.. And suddenly, that's all I could remember about her. I put my hands to my temples and closed my eyes, trying to remember anything else, yet I couldn't. I angrily pressed enter, and my jaw dropped as I saw the number. "258 results?!" I squeaked, I wasn't aware my voice could get that high. I walked over to my bag and dug around it for my phone. I ordered some crappy chinese food from a struggling restaurant not that far from me, I was too impatient to wait long for food. I walked over to the fridge to get a beer, I was going to need it. I opened it and looked over to Max, "cheers" I joked as he turned his head trying once again to understand. I placed my beer next to the computer, and started to scroll through the mugshots of the women. My food eventually came, I ate it, I drank another beer, and was halfway through my 3rd beer, when I saw her. My eyes widened, I silently did a drunk cheer, and clicked on her name. Genesis Amana. I stared at her deep brown eyes in her mugshot, and scrolled down to Information, and found contact information. I reached for my phone, and laid my hand on it. "Should I contact her?" I questioned myself, and looked over at Max, who was in a deep sleep with his favorite toy. I looked over at the phone number that was bolded, like it was calling to me. I slid my phone over closer and sat back in my chair. I could lose my job over this. I could lose my house, Max, my reputation, everything.. I looked down at my phone again, and put her number in my contacts, since online communication was allowed. I drunkenly stood up, grabbed my beer by the neck, and poured it down the drain. I walked over to my bedroom, and fell on my bed. I took a deep sigh, and fell asleep.

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