Chapter 10: A dark sleepless night

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I groaned as I woke up. "Fuck.." I moaned as I got up and rubbed my eyes. Max and I had a horrible night. Jack and Charlie's snoring had kept us up, I looked over at Jack, who was still in a deep sleep, and still snoring with Charlie sleeping next to him. 'What time is it?" I wondered, I looked for my phone, which was on the end table to my right. I picked it up and turned it on, and squinted at how bright my screen was. "5:37 AM, wow" I whispered to myself, while turning down my brightness. I opened my phone, and checked my messages. I had 1 from my sister.

'hey fig bar, miss u :('

I sighed as I slid the message over to see what time she sent it, which was 3:26 AM.

'miss u too stupid'

I smiled as I texted back, and 4 minutes later I got a reply.

'moms askin if u have a girl yet lmaoo'

Genesis was my first thought. I left her on read and went to my contacts and stared at her contact. "Well, why the hell not." I mumbled to myself as I clicked the message button. I sat there, clueless on what to say. 'Hi' I typed, but shook my head no and deleted it. After 20 minutes of trying to figure out what to say, I hit send.

'Hey, its Newt, is this Genesis?'

I turned off my phone and threw it next to me, 'shes probably going to think I am a creep...' I thought to myself, as I put my head in my hands. Max jumped up onto the couch and greeted me. "Time to wake up the dragon." I chuckled. I turned on the light on the end table, which still didnt wake Charlie or Jack up. I sighed as I got up and turned on each light, one by one, counting them to see how many it would take to wake them up. It took 7 lights to wake up Charlie, but 10 lights to get him to stand up. I had turned on almost all of Jack's 19 lights other than the ceiling lights, and he still wasn't up. I leaned on the wall and flicked on the ceiling lights, and nothing happened. I walked over to him, and tried to not laugh as I eyed a takis bag open. I kneeled down, and as quietly as I could, I started to place the takis on him. I couldnt help myself from snorting, and I quickly got up as he started to move more. "Huh?" Jack groaned as I threw myself on the couch and opened my phone, pretending not to be aware. "What the hell.." he grumbled as he sat up and I watched all the takis fall into his lap. It took everything in me to not laugh. "You dick." He sneered as I burst out laughing. "Why are all the damn lights on!" He shouted as he got up and headed upstairs. "I'm going back to bed, I have my own damn schedule!" He complained. "Can I use your shower?" I shouted "Knock yourself out!" He screamed back. I grabbed my car keys to get my extra set of clothes I always had in my car. As I opened up the front door, Charlie and Max ran out in front of me to sniff around. I closed the door and felt the crisp cold morning air wake me up. I unlocked the car, and mimicked the unlocking sound of the car. I got my clothes, and an extra dog bowl I had in the trunk of my car for the longest time and never used. "Good thing I have you" I chuckled. I locked the car and mimicked it once again. I saw Charlie lifting his leg against a tree, and Max rolling around in the wet grass. "Max! No! Now you're gonna be wet!" I complained. I whistled them both over to the door, and let them back in. Suddenly I got the feeling of being watched. I put my stuff in front of the door, turned off the light that lit up the front door, and walked back to my car. I tried to subtly look around, pretending to get something. I got into my car and closed the door. I eyed a car that was turned off down the road, since Jack lived in the last house on a street, I knew that no one could possibly been behind. I squinted at the car, It was too dark to see anything, but the little bit of light from Jack's lights shining through the windows lit up the car enough to see there was one. It was a black toyota convertible, and my heart dropped when I saw the front decorative licence plate. It was black with little white stars. I started to panic, so I started to grab random things from my car. I grabbed an empty reusable water bottle, a charger, and one of Max's toys that was on the back seat. I opened the car door as calmly as I could. I had been trained to stay calm and much as possible. 'Breathe in... breathe out...' I said in my head as I closed the door and locked it. 'Max is a 4 year old german shepherd. My favorite color is green. I have ADHD. What does ADHD stand for? ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.' I thought, as I walked closer and closer to the door. I thought to myself, 'I'm too calm, walk normally, speed up.' and I jumped up the step to the porch and opened the door and locked it. I picked up my stuff and walked into the guest bedroom to take a shower and change. I felt sick, and didn't want to go to work. I heard my phone buzz and saw it light up in the corner of my eye, but I didn't want to answer it, I was too afraid it was Ed.

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