Chapter 7: The Chatter

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I stared at the report I had written. I felt like I knew that womens voice, it felt so familiar, I had heard it before, but I couldn't connect the dots. I had pushed genesis to the back of my mind until Derek brought her up. I still was hesitant to contact her, and 'I definitely couldn't contact her using the Department's wifi..' I thought to myself. Suddenly the thought hit me, 'could Genesis be the girl?' My mind started to race. 'Was she the innocent person I thought she was? Did her pets hurt any cops? Or civilians?' "Hello Newton." a voice beamed. I jumped and looked over at Ed, who was standing over me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said with an awkward laugh. "It's fine, I was just thinking of something." I said as I rubbed my face. Ed's eyes lit up as he started to rant,'"Oooh was it Science? Or was it space? Did you know that NASA actually found the very first WHITE hole not that long ag-" "Was it a girl?" Jack joked, "What? No." I barked, "ooooh thats a yes!" he smirked as he rolled his chair over to my desk "tell usss Newt who is the love interest? A nerd? A hot chick? " he smiled, and Ed grabbed a chair from an empty desk. "I JUST like her, I'm not gonna break the rules." I stated as I leaned in to say more. "She's got silky black hair, olive skin, brown eyes, and a beautiful voice." "How long have you liked her?" Ed questioned quickly. "Why are you here, have you ever even touched a woman Ed?" Jack jokingly snapped. "I might not have touched a woman, but at least I wouldn't kiss one if I had a mouth as foul as yours." Ed snapped. I gasped and  covered my mouth and laughed. "Well- at least I've kissed one!" Jack stuttered. "Smelling like a wet dog, body odor, and beer 362 days of the year not counting your 3 annual days of 'I'm going sober' I doubt you have." Ed hissed at him. "Wooow Ed you chose violence today!" I laughed as Jack sat there defeatedly. "I've liked her for a day ish, it's the girl we got during the raid." I said to Jack. "Ohhh her." he said in realization, Ed looked at the both of us and blurted out to break the silence. "Well. Hope she's nice to you Newton." and got up quickly and left the chair where it was. "Did that sound.. Mad to you?" Jack analyzed. I sat confused, "Maybe? I don't know. I pushed the chair over to the original desk, and started to clear up my desk, to head home, it was 4:14 PM, and it was almost time to head home. I couldn't wait to see Max.

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