Chapter 3: Down at the Station

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I woke up to my Never gonna give you up alarm, which meant it was a Thursday. I groaned and slammed the stop button on my alarm. It's too early for this shit, and my headache felt like a drill hammer in my brain. On not hungover mornings, my alarms would put me in a good mood, because who wouldn't want to wake up to good songs? I had a different song for each morning. Disco Inferno for Mondays, Lay All Your Love on me on Tuesdays, Bohemian Rhapsody on Wednesdays, since wednesdays are always the best, Steve always brings donuts on Wednesdays, Never gonna give you up on Thursdays, and At Last on Fridays, since I used to sometimes get weekends off, depending on if the riots would calm down. Recently a lot of androids were taking people's jobs, like a lot of the low wage jobs, so people were fuming, and on top of that, there was the non communication law. I slowly walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. "Yikes." I joked as I opened up the cabinet and took out an Advil bottle and 2 pills. I looked at my watch, it was 7:30. "Damn it!" I shouted. I grabbed a breath spray, my bag, threw some kibble in Max's bowl, said bye to Max, locked the door, and got in the car to head to the police station. I had never been this late to work.

Once I got through the gates, I sat in the parking lot. I combed my hair in the rear view mirror, sprayed too much breath spray in my mouth, and tried to look awake. I grabbed my stuff, locked the car door while walking away, and headed inside. I entered the station and my fellow officers clicked a timer. "Wow! Newton Miller is 20 minutes late! Maybe 2038 is a new year!" one of them teased. One of the officers standing at the coffee machine blurted out, "Technically, 'new year, new me' is a psychological thing, people say 'new year, new me' to feel like they are having a new start but humans rarely adapt to new-" "Alright, Alright Ed, its NOT actually a new year, new Newt, we get it." one of the officers hissed, and they all started to giggle. I put my bag down at my desk and hung my coat over my chair. I needed some coffee to wake up. I fixed my hair and walked over to the coffee machine. "Mornin' Ed." I greeted, as I poured myself a coffee. Ed is a forensic scientist, and hung around the riot police, since every other section was so annoyed with his riddles and facts. He was tall, skinny, couldn't hold a gun, or know how to hold one properly, a real nerd and could barely lift a big dog up. I honestly enjoyed his presence, and we talked about space a lot. "Good Morning Newton!" He beamed "How did you sleep last night? You don't look so good." I looked over and I smiled "One too many beers detective." I giggled as I grabbed my coffee. "Oh." he said "You know drinking as a police officer can be pretty dangerous." He stated as he followed me to my desk. "I'm not a police officer, I'm riot control." I joked as I pulled my chair out and looked at Jack, whose desk was next to mine, and trying to not laugh. Ed cluelessly stated,"But, you are a police officer Newt, it says it on your desk right there Newton C. Miller Poli-" "Ed, it was a joke." I interrupted him giggling. "Oh, right." he mumbled. "Alright Ed, I have some work to do, I'll talk to you later, ok?" I answered. "Right." he muttered as he pushed up his glasses and walked away. Jack started to giggle "How do you do that and not get annoyed?" he teased. "Well technically..." I tease mockingly and we both laughed. "He's a pretty cool dude, just get to know him." I suggested as I reached into my bag for my phone. "Damn it, I left my phone at home." I sighed, as I logged into the computer. As Jack started to go on a rant on why he wasn't a nerd, Genesis's file popped up, I had forgotten to close out of it on my laptop. I panicked and closed the window. I hope no one saw that. "Are you even listening Newt?"Jack nagged. "Uh- yeah I am." I stuttered. He narrowed his eyes and leaned forward, "Oh yeah what did I say?" he questioned. I was speechless. "Uh- well you were talking ab-" my voice was drowned out by an alarm. The Riot Police alarm. "Saved by the alarm." Jack sneered "Nah, I knew what you were talking about." I teased as we all rushed over to get our armour on, none of us could have even guessed what was awaiting us at the riot.

Forbidden Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें