Chapter 4: Tank

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TW (mention of guns + gun shots)

As the armored truck pulled up to near where the riot was, I could feel the heat from fires through my suit. "Wish I had Ed's job." Someone complained, and we all giggled as the truck pulled up to the riot. You could hear people yelling and chanting things like "acab". We all got out of the truck, and people started to roar even more in anger. Some woman threw a full slushie at Jack as it splattered against his riot face shield. "Bullseye" I joked into the microphone we had in our suits, and I received some giggles. "I'll tell them to aim for you next." Jack teased back. "She obviously picked you, why would I take the spotlight?" I chuckled. "Keep your body shield up Newt." A officer said "Nah don't" Jack joked, "let's play the game of who gets attacked first" we all faced the crowd in sync. "You're already up 2 points, you got smacked with a slushie from 7/11." I joked, and I heard some more giggles. Keeping the officers in a good mood was important, because if one officer lost their temper, we would all get attacked. Time passed by. Everyone had around 4-5 points, other than officer moore, who was at 8 after someone threw a rock and cracked his face shield. "Does anyone see that?!" An officer shrieked, "possible danger 12 o'clock!" our leading officer alerted us, I looked around the crowd to see what they were talking about, and my heart dropped as I saw two 7 foot tall figures, they looked like spec ops, but they were decked out in riot gear, and they were heading for the crowd. "Uh- is that one of ours?!" I panicked. I had no clue what to do in this sort of situation. Someone started to call for backup in a radio, they lifted their arms up slowly, they had AR15 rifles. We had nothing, we were riot officers, not SWAT, and we had no weapons. "Fall back! I repeat! Fall! Back!" our lead officer ordered. We all started to run back, as the 7 foot tall figures started to shoot above our heads. EVERYONE panicked. Civilians started to scream, and some of the officers fell, I couldn't look back, I just ran as fast as I could, and eyed an alleyway. I bolted for it, and hid behind a huge trash can. I started to take off my gear, it was the only thing I could think of. I had never taken off my gear as quickly as I was taking it off, and started to panic more and more and I heard the gunshots get closer. Last second, I threw everything in the dumpster, and closed the lid, and saw one of the spec ops. I ducked down, but the dumpster lid slammed, and it caught it's attention. "Fuck." I gasped quietly. I tried to control my breathing as best I could, as I saw its shadow grow smaller and smaller as it got closer. I could see the outline of the AR15 dangling at its side, tapping it's armour. "Who's there?" it boomed, it was a deep, angry male voice, I stopped breathing and couldn't take my eyes off of the shadow, standing there, waiting for a noise. I could hear his steps as he crept closer to listen. The shadow was right next to the dumpster, when a "Riot! Where are you?!" echoed through the alleyway, it was a female voice.. A familiar one, but I couldn't pin where I'd heard it before. "I thought I heard something." Tank's deep voice bounced off the walls. "Come on, we have to leave now." the woman said, and the shadow got bigger against the wall as Tank hurried out of the alleyway. I took a sigh of relief, and last second saw a black high ponytail as the woman turned the corner. I sat back against the wall again, waiting for it to feel safe enough to leave. I sat there until the sunlight peeked through the alleyway. The beam was almost at a 90 degree angle, which meant it was almost noon. I didn't hear people or officers, so I climbed into the dumpster, grabbed my police ID, and bolted for the police station. I hadn't ran for longer than 20 minutes since I was in the academy, and I could feel my heart beating in every part of my body, and the tears in my ears as my eyes became dryer and dryer from not blinking.

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