Chapter 8: Intruder!

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TW (Mentions of knives)

I turned off the engine of my car, and stared at the speedometer as the little light in it turned off. 'Where would I be if I wasn't a police officer..?' I thought to myself, I sighed as I looked over at the fast food I picked up on the way home. I grabbed the bag and got out of the car. I grabbed my keys to unlock the door, but it didn't budge. "Huh?" I said out loud, I twisted the door knob, and it was already unlocked.. I opened the door quickly, and Max started to bark. "Max! Down!" I yelled, but he continued to bark. I threw my stuff down, and ran over to the kitchen to grab a kitchen knife. The loud noise of the metal scraping the wood block as it was unsheathed sounded intimidating, as I slowly walked down the hall. I stood next to the frame of the first door, listening. I didn't hear anything so I twisted the door knob and pushed the door open. Max rushed into the room, and I followed. I looked around the room, which was mainly used for my sister, Maiya, whenever she visited. I checked the closet, which was mainly empty, just a couple of Maiya's emergency clothes like hoodies, sweatpants, and some shirts. I closed the doors as I called Max to leave the room. I opened the bathroom door more confidently, as something odd struck my mind. "Everything is so.. clean.." I muttered to myself. I am a clean person, every couple of months I'd spend a day or two cleaning the dump I had created. I heard a beeping tune from down the hallway, and followed it to my dryer, which had just finished a cycle. My heart started to pump quickly as I looked over to see my clothes that had been taken from me neatly stacked and folded. "This was getting really creepy" I whispered to Max, who was standing behind me, and we both looked over as a sudden steaming hiss next to us. The iron was still on, which meant someone had just been here. I felt sick to my stomach. Who was doing this? "This-This is over the line!" I yelled, my voice cracking in fear. "I'll call the cops!" I threatened, I was more scared than mad, I just wanted them to leave. "Please can you just leave?!" I whined. "Hey! I know somebodys there!" I hollered as I tried to turn the door knob, which was locked. I stood there shaking, and I looked at Max, who was trying to sniff underneath the door. "Look I'll.. I'll leave! I'll take Max.. and we will go on a walk, and then you can leave! Just leave the house okay?!" I tried to reason. "C'mon Max, to the door." I ordered. I quickly walked over to the front door to grab Max's leash, collar, and my phone.I peaked down the hallway, as Max was lying down in front of the door. "Max! Heel" I yelled. Max came quickly trotting down the hallway over to me. I put his collar on him, hooked the leash on it, and opened the door. "We're leaving! You can come out!" I hollered once again. I slammed the door loudly and walked out into the dark. I wanted to see who came out, so I turned around and hid behind a wall, and squatted down next to Max, and we waited. I eyed the window, and suddenly a dark figure appeared in the window. I had forgotten to open the curtains. "Damn it.." I muttered angrily. The door swung open, and a tall figure came out. Max started to growl, and I put my hand over his eyes so he couldn't see. The figure's head faced the direction we were in, and I threw myself backwards, pulling Max on top of me. I never realized how much Max weighed, until now. I heard the faint sound of steps running away and I looked over to see them running away. I was terrified, and I was uncomfortable. I pulled out my phone, and went to text Jack.

'can I come over???'

I typed quickly into the keyboard and pressed send. "Come on.. Come on.. Answer Jack.." I whispered impatiently. I suddenly saw the 3 dots in a thought bubble pop up.

'on a thursday?'

I groaned in frustration as I realized that on thursday nights there was a new episode of Chicago Fire, which was probably his favorite show, right next to NCIS.

'pls, its importnt'

I typed back, I was starting to get more and more stressed out. I sighed and I looked at Max as tears started to form in my eyes.


I took a deep sigh of relief.


I texted back. I turned off my phone and bolted for my door, with Max running after me. I grabbed my keys, my wallet, and my badge. "Max! Do you wanna see Charlie?" I beamed, as Max turned his head and wagged his tail. "C'mon! Let's go!" I ordered, as I opened the door. I turned off the lights, and made sure I locked the door. "Hey Connor?" I said, and my phone lit up, "Set a reminder for tomorrow to get the locks replaced." I spoke once again. "Reminder set for tomorrow: get locks replaced." my phone sang. I looked over at my car, where Max was waiting for me, with his tail wagging. I walked over to the door for the back seat of my car and opened it. Max jumped in and I closed the door. I opened the drivers door, hopped in, threw my stuff onto the passenger's seat and sighed. I closed my door as I turned my car on. I turned my body to look back at Max, who was panting happily, ready to see his best friend Charlie. I smiled and I shifted the gear stick into reverse as I turned my body to look out the back window. I shifted the gear back into drive, put my seat belt on, and started to drive to Jack's house.

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