Chapter 1- Dreams

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Zori's POV:-

Sometimes even with a house full of people you find yourself alone..i mean like not sad alone but alone in your head with everyone tuned out..that's my talent because i live in a huge house with a huge family and extended family.
We are what one would call Punjabi American..what is that google Punjab and you'll find it somewhere on the planet ..anyways we always stick together
I mean we are like 30+ people occupying a mansion with 40 bedrooms much like a werewolf pack house.
Yeah we are much like the werewolves but sadly we aren't the real ones.

Hmm...i wonder how would it feel to be a werewolf...ahem!..back to our pack.
The Alpha of the pack is my dad the eldest of the four brothers, the pack HQ is the family restaurant in downtown New York.
Now who am I ....

......DRUM ROLLLLL.....

I'm Zorina Malik but everyone call me Zori, I'm a teenage nerd of 17. I'm 5'7 not very tall haan.
I have three brothers, two sisters and a crush.
Yeah well i'm seventeen i am allowed to have crush like duh.

Although i'm not allowed to have any relationship before graduation or outside the our community I crush on a guy way above my league.
Sadly yeah we have a very strict ideas of not losing our culture over modernization. See werewolf laws again, only my youngest uncle went against the norms fell in love and married his British wife Miranda. She is a chill person but had to face grilling time before my dad relented and allowed them back home.

Yeah, well my dad 'the Alpha' is like a coconut hard on the outside soft inside.
I can't say this for my older twin brothers though, they are scary badass college dudes.
So my sisters and I are destined to have our husbands picked out for us, we know and accept that fact.

I looked over to where my older sister sat on the bed daydreaming about her fiance, she's scheduled to be married in twenty days, we share a room since forever.
I sighed audibly, i'm gonna miss her when she's gone.
She'll be moving to Italy with her husband after the wedding he is a lawyer and she'll continue her university there.

Getting up i made my way to her bed, she looked up at me eyebrows raised. I threw myself next to her side and snaked my arm around hers resting my head on her shoulder.
"What's up with you suddenly Zozo?" She asked closing the book she held in her hand which i knew she hasn't read a word of.. how do i know?
Well I'd be hearing the spoilers and I would be like i didn't wanna know that Mira.
Cuddling into her arm.
"I'm gonna miss you Mimi. Why don't you cancel the wedding."
Yeah we have these nicknames for each other only we use.
"Your insane to even suggest that."
Chuckling she ruffled my hair and we sat in comfortable silence each lost in our own thoughts.

Ok!!! That was our moment, now backtracking to our topic crush.
I definitely want to experience a few dates, a first kiss and a chaste hug.
Well a chaste hug cuz i have to save myself for my husband, this has been drilled into our heads since puberty and there is no way around it.
So before I graduate I want to experience the dating and kisses with my crush Jake, even though the idea is far fetched since he is the most popular and most gorgeous guy at school.
Jake is the quarterback of the school's football team... clichè right!?..
Falling for a most wanted guy who doesn't even know i exist.
Well that's a typical nerd for you, did i mention i'm a nerd? I think i pretty much did...but...I know what you're thinking, i'll need a miracle to set this ship sailing but what you and i didn't know is that the universe is going to drop just that miracle right into my lap.

A while later, a head popped in through the door. "MAMA IS CALLING YOU TWO FOR DINNER".
This loud fog horn is my youngest 11 year old sister Nora, she's daddy's princess and mama's spy.
"Okay momo." I call her that cuz she sleeps hugging momo plushie..cute but i won't tell her that, it annoys her to no end. Giving me a fierce scowl she closed the door and skipped away.

We both got up and made our way out to the dining hall downstairs. I stopped at the room next ours and knocked, no answer.
"Zakki I'm coming in." This is my younger brother Zachariah he's 16. We are really close.
I opened the door and walked in, he was sprawled on the bed sleeping. I nudged his shoulder "Zaki wake up mom wants us down for dinner."
He groaned his sound muffled by the pillow.
An evil smile crept to my face picking up the soda can i tipped the remaining liquid on his nape.
Tossing the can i flew out the door and down the stairs, i could hear a string of curses and footsteps behind me.

Entering dinning hall i immediately planted myself next Mana (granny) hugging her. I knew he wouldn't dare do anything in front of nana she is the grandzilla of this house.
Zaki seeing the situation sat opposite to glaring.

I smiled.

He glares.

I grin.

He scowls.

I stick my tongue out.

He chuckles.

931 words..
This was Zori's pov.
Next i'll put in the casting before Jake's pov.
Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Love Ashi.

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