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Everything moved in slow motion...her hair bouncing when she walks, petals falling around her, romantic music playing in the background.
(All this is happening in his head only)

She sat next to her companion laughing at some joke they shared. Ah such a beautiful sound i want to hear more of it.
Leaving my usual seat at the back, I moved forward and placed a hand on the kid's shoulder who was sitting behind her.
The kid and his partner jumped out of their chairs and scurried away. I sat behind her my eyes scanning the back of her head, a few seconds later sensing me she turned around and smiled.
"Hi I'm Jake." I gave her my signature smile.
"Zoya" she said before turning back to her friend. Zoya I repeated the name in my mind, its pretty just like her.
I smiled at my small victory.
Mike took the seat next to me giving me a knowing smile.

The class went by in a blur, i didn't know what the teacher said or did but hearing the bell told me class is over. Everyone scuttled out of the class but i stayed back watching her every move then walked out behind her.
Mike caught my arm as i was about to follow her down the hallway.
"Whoa! Lover boy keep it in your pants, our next class is that way." Pointing at the opposite direction.
I nodded and followed him my mind still on the way she looked at me and smiled.
"We need to find out her schedule."
"Already did." Mike pipped in and i raised an eyebrow. He smirked "While you were ogling  her back I spoke to her cousin, the one who sat next to her."
"Her cousin?" I tried to remember the one he mentioned but couldn't, my curiosity was peaked now. "She is new too."
Mike looked at Alex, then they both looked at me like i had lost my marbles.
"What?" .."No dude she been with us since the beginning of the year." Alex said.

"How come i didn't notice her before?" I voiced my thoughts and Mike chimes in. "It must be you short attention span"
"You mean his ADHD" Alex chuckles.
I hit his shoulder earning a yelp from Alex. "you know I don't have that"
"So how many classes we have together" i asked Mike hopefully.
"None. You only have English which is already over."
"and her cousin?" I grunted.
"Apparently we share a good many classes." Shrugging Mike walked to his class while Alex and i headed to ours.

Zori's Pov:-

I sat looking out the window twirling my pen, my thoughts were bordering self pity seeing the way he noticed her the moment she walked into the class.
The teacher's ramblings did not make sense to me at all.
I sighed again "you know you'll cut your happiness to half sighing so much." Zoya whispered and leaned back into her chair.
I rolled my eyes, I didn't want to hear her voice right now.
In my head i pictured stabbing Zoya a hundred times over.
I seethed silently as she sat next to me all smiles while Jake sat behind her boring a hole in her head.
Why was this happening to me..whose face did i see first thing in the morning to have such bad luck. My mom's face popped in my mind..oops i take that back.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned to see who it is, my eyes met with Jake's friend ... Mike i think.
I raised a brow and he gave me a cute smile which i found creepy by the way.
I turned away quickly before the teacher notices and i get called out.
Mike leaned closer and started with a friendly greeting then bombarded me with list of annoying questions. We whispered back and forth.
Argh..why did I have to be related to her. Why did i have crush on Jake who is practically smitten by her.
Thankfully the bell rang relieving me of this torture, i stood up picking my stuff and headed out to my next class then stopped suddenly with a groan. Shit! I have to take Zoya to her class I turned around, fortunately she was right behind me.
I started to lead her when she asked me a shocking question.
"Is that guy your crush? The one you were whispering with."
"Wha!? No!" i squeaked but from the look on her face she thinks I'm lying.

I left her in her class and started to head away when i almost bumped into Cathy. The cheerleading bitch queen.
I wonder why are they even called that nothing about them cheers people then again that must be just my opinion.
Ugh.. just my luck.
"Hey nerd! Why are you here?"
I just ignored her and tried to walk around her when one of her she devils tugged at my neatly made bun causing my hair to come loose, the clip fell on the ground, before I could retrieve it I heard a CRUNCH!
"Oops I hope it wasn't expensive but looking at it closely looks like you picked it up from the garbage." The lot giggled at their own lame joke.
"Much as i like to stay and entertain you i have a class right now." Before anyone could reply I made a dash for it.

At lunch we entered the canteen together 5 minutes late. Much to my delight I had to wait outside the girls toilet while Zoya refreshed her makeup!
I usually eat outside, my mom never forgets to pack us our lunches which is way more than we can eat, so i share mine with the dog behind the school building.
Today I was in here because Zoya refused to touch the high calorie home made lunch.
Whatever, I prefer it to the canteen food, its awful, most students just go for yoghurts or apples.
So here i am looking for a place to sit, to my relief i spot Tanya and her friends.
Before i can reach them i'm accosted by my loud best friend Lana, she's a bad ass girl.
"Bitch! Where have you been!"
"Here" i quip.
"come on since your here you'll sit with me."
She dragged me away to her table with Zoya trailing behind with a bored expression.
"Hey Zori how was the summer break? I like your new look" Neil my other best friend eyed my long hair and i just smiled and thanked in reply.
Neil sat down with his fries and orange juice. I smirked and placed my lunch box along with Zoya's on the table, "help your self guys"
They wowed in unison. Zoya grimaced and got up to get herself something to eat.
Few moments later my eyes search for Zoya wondering if i'll have to file a missing person's report.
I noticed a gaggle of senior jocks surrounding someone.
Oh! so there she is, I took a few steps in her direction to rescue her but decided against it. She was totally enjoying the attention. I looked for Jake and saw him sitting with his friends giving the jocks a death glare.
I chuckled and sat with my friends for the rest of the lunch break enjoying myself.

1223 words.
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