Chapter 3

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Yhe Alpha twins Amir (left) Asim (right)

Zori's POV:-

Jake walked through the hallway way with his friends. He looked so beautiful, his hair bouncing with his movements.
I sigh he's such a hunk.
As soon as the thought came to my head our eyes locked as if he'd read my mind. He gave me one of his sexy smiles.
Squeallll....wait! Hold on ....
he no no he always smiles..
Yeah but he smiled at me! ME! thats not real!
Yeah definately not.
He stoped in front of me and said my name.
OMG! If this is a dream i don't wanna wake up! EVER!!!
His smile turned more sexy! Is that even possible.
My name rolled off his tongue so easily while i'm staring at him with wide eyes. His voice baritone voice is getting high pitched and shrill, my eyes widen even more.
Why is he is sounding like my....

"Mom!" I sat with a startled gasp. Seeing my mom's amused expression i could tell my eyes where like saucers.
"Why are you shocked i've been trying to wake you up since the past ten minutes. Nana is fuming you missed her morning call and Zoya had arrived last night."
"Hold on mom! Don't go so fast! My brain can't process so much first thing in the morning"
Mom huffs and tosses the magazine she was flipping through on the table and turns to leave. "Nana is waiting for you at breakfast don't come down until your ready"
Oh shit!! Alarm bells go off in my head..Nana at breakfast table was like a raging demon.
If i'm the last one at the table i'd be the last one to leave too.
I jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom. I got ready at record time hah! i broke my own record.
I ran down the steps tossing my backpack in the foyer i slowly crept to the dinning room.
Ok Zori you need to be strong and silent like a mouse. Standing just outside the room i peeked in to take in the enemy's stronghold.
Nana was at the head of the table queen of the realm, she was haveing an animated conversation with aunt Sophie, Zoya's mother and my moms sister.
They arrived last night apparently they've moved here after her divorce.

Uff! brain back to the issue at hand, get in without being spotted. I spot the chair between Mira and Zaki saved for me. My face perks up, ooh my guardian angels they sat far away from Nana's seat too.
I got down on all fours and crawled my way around towards the empty seat.
I could hear snickers from cousins and i could sense disapproving looks from some adults but no one dared to out me lest they become my partner in punishment.
I kept my head low as i crept forward.. just a little bit almost there... a pair of hands catch my waist and yank me up into their lap and slid me quickly to another empty seat. Everything happened so quickly it took me a while to realise it is Amir my second eldest brother one of the twins.
He smirks at my surprised look, i feel a nudge at my side and turn to look at Asim the older of the two, he indicates towards my plate. I frown then understanding dawns on me i quickly fill it up and start eating. God i was so grateful to  have these four as my siblings i love them so much.
I feel a pair of eyes on me i look around the large table seating 28 people, not an easy task, its even worst at dinner when dad and uncles are home.
Who ever it was must have looked away because I lost the sense.

After eating we all got up and started leaving but Nana told me and Zoya to stay back.
Urgh i hope she didn't catch me, i sat stiff as a log waiting for the wrath.
"Zori you know Zoya is here to stay and this isn't just a short visit. Zoya will be sharing the room with you. Your sister will move away in 15 days until then you both can adjust and starting today you'll be in the same school.
I groaned inwardly Zoya was high maintenance staying with her tests my limits plus she is super hot.
Going to school now will be sooo much fun Yaay! (Note:
I smiled but inwardly i was throwing a tantrum..hysterics to be precise.
"Ok Nana" No body could go against Nana she's the reigning queen going against her means  going against dad.
A big no no.
Zoya walked out placing a kiss on Nana's cheek,
I did the same and turned to leave but Nana caught my wrist making my breath hitch.
"Next time your late, you won't be spared." I gulped she let me go.

I swiftly picked up my bag and ran out of the house.
Nana still scared me, i remember her punishments.
Chills run down my back at the memories of being locked up in the shed alone sometimes even on raining and thundering nights it didn't matter.
She somehow had this grudge against me. Sometimes even Zaki used to get punished for clinging to me.
I knew my mom and older siblings hated her the things she did to me back then but couldn't say anything because she has dad wrapped around her little finger.
Even now she hated me, i can sense it her horrid gaze crawls under my skin.
All the affection is for show in front of others.

I got into the van. Yes a van since there are 11 of us cousins going to the same school dad bought a 16 seater to drop and bring us back, the days i had extra classes i would wait for Amir to pick me up he's the overprotective one but fun at the same time, on the home he'd always buy me mocha icecream with strawberry sauce which i love so much.

My train of thoughts was lost when Zoya pitched herself next to me grumbling.
"Mum better get me a car if she wants me to continue living here or else i'm moving back with papa."

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, Zoya is a snob she just wants to be the centre of attention all the time. As a kid she was the meanest brat.
I remember her once chasing away the maid's son from our house because his clothes looked like rags.
I looked at her from the corner of my eye, she had the whole box of makeup out in front of her.
Noticing my gaze she smiled at me. "Zori why don't you try some of this, you'll look much better."
I gave her a tight lipped smile. "No thank you i'm fime as i am."
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
I raised an eyebrow at her question. "No"
" i thought" she said while curling her lashes.
"What's that supposed to mean." I frown.
"Means judging from the way your dressed you don't have any guy. No one dates hags you know."
What how dare she i snatched her makeup box and tossed it out the window and smirked at her while she cried out in shock devastated that she lost her english brand of make up.

Kidding..well if i wasn't such a nice person i would have chucked her precious make up out.
Coward!...shut up brain!

Zoya frowned "why do have that crazy look on your face."
"Oh nothing."

Finally we were at the entrance of our class, unfortunately we have 3 classes together.
The universe has an uncanny way getting back at me for existing.
We entered the class i heard audible gasps, everyone is looking at Zoya, have to admit though grudgingly she is super hot.
we make our way towards my seat. My eyes search for the love of my life and....Wow!
Jake's staring! He was looking this way! I squealed internally.
His eyes were wide, a blush on his cheeks at his line sight was....


Yes bitch universe! slap me hard !!!

1378 words.
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