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Heads up in the proceeding chapters Zoya's name is changed to Sarah as per request from some readers. I will try editing her in previous chapters too. Thank you for the sharing your opinions.💕💕

Jakes pov:-

My eyes were glued to the door, I had to get her first didn't want Ryder to beat me to it.
Ryder and I always have a silent battle in everything but we don't confront each other.

I looked to where he was perched on the sofa with Sam his best friend.
I saw her enter with two other girls, I knew one from PE Lana, Kamal's girlfriend, she's in the track team but i didn't recognize the other girl, she does look familiar though.

I approached the trio with my best smile. "Hey, I'm glad you came." I looked at her appearance she was hot in her black top and silver mini skirt.
"Thank you for inviting me." She smiled.
"My pleasure" i tried to keep the blush from creeping up my face.
"Good to see you Lana. Kamal is at the back garden near the pool probably making out with some hot chick." I joked.

"He's so dead when i find him" she huffed and left. I turned my attention to the other girl who was now staring daggers at me.
"That was mean Kamal would never try to hurt Lana like that. They are childhood sweethearts."
"Is that so? And who might you be." I noticed her face fall but she covered it up quickly.
"This is Zori your classmate." Sarah said with an amused look.
My eyes widen a bit, its not like i've known her for long but she looked good without her nerdy glasses or was the nerd look just for show.
I cleared my throat as well as my thoughts i have to focus on Sarah.
I nudged Mike to talk to Zori so i can take Sarah away.
Mike on queue offered Zori a drink distracting her and i offered Sarah a house tour.
As soon as we left Mike and Zori, Alex accosted us.
"Hey Sarah...Jake you better come outside with me.." he looked worried which wasn't like him at all.
"Ok. come on Sarah."
"No! Jake i think let Sarah have something to drink while you and i go outside it will just be a few moments."
I frowned while Sarah didn't bother much. "I'll have some drinks, you boys run along" she said loudly in her British accent over the more louder music.
"Ok. Wait for me" i turned and followed Alex outside. "This better be something important or ..."

I was met with a sight that shut me up.
Pete and his bafoons were beating up a kid who looked like he was about to pass out. Everyone around them watched but none dared to stop the school bully and his gang.
This won't happen here in my house! I will kick his sorry ass to hell.
I ran and tackled pete to the ground and punched him squarely in the face.
He punched me in the jaw. We kept throwing punches at each other until Mike pulled me off him.
I looked around to see that Alex and Mike had taken care of his minions.
I growled at him, "get out of this property you fucking shit! if i catch you beating up another kid again i will break your arms." Alex dragged me inside while Mike attended the kid.

After getting cleaned up i came back to look for Sarah. Shit! She was encircled in Ryder's arms!.....

They were dancing so close. ugh! It pissed me off so much!
I moved to Cathy's group only Cathy wasn't there.
"Where's Cathy" i asked Jane who look suddenly flustered.
"I..i don't know" her eyes kept darting upstairs.
"Maybe she went to the bathroom upstairs. I'll go check." Ignoring Jane's sputtering, I turn around and went upstairs.
I checked the guests room bathroom but couldn't find her.
Everywhere was filled with people, i suddenly felt a bit claustrophobic, this day isn't going as planned. I stopped to take a few deep breaths but it wasn't helping so i went to my room.
I opened the door and found a couple making out on my bed.
Realizing they weren't alone they jumped apart and my jaw dropped.

There was Cathy acting all sheepish after being caught making out with a guy I don't recognize on my bed. On MY bed!
I was so furious i slammed the door shut and sprinted downstairs.
I know we aren't in a relationship, six months ago we broke up in secret and mutually but i never cheated on her since we were thought  of as a couple and she was making out on my bed. It felt like a kick in the balls.
I heard her calling my name frantically but i didn't care.

This day has turned into a disaster.
I picked a pack of beers and headed to a quiet place behind the house. I couldn't stand around being with anyone.
I sat slumped against the wall hidden from view by bushes.
I plan to get wasted. opening the first  bottle i start chugging it down.

The music in the house, the people, the noise everything felt distant. Only myself and the moon..
And maybe someone else. I sighed and leaned towards the curve of the wall to see who was behind it. Its obviously a girl is she with someone making out or alone.
A twig snapped under my hand, she turned around and our eyes locked.
"Zori!?" I whispered surprised.

"Oh hiii.." she leaned in "your late!"
"Huh? Zori what are you doing here"
I frowned "and obviously drunk"
I sat back ignoring her, she crawled over and sat next to me.
"Why did you say i'm late?" I was curious, was she having a secret tryst with someone?
Somehow the thought annoyed me, I looked at her from the corner of my eyes.
She was gazing at the sky, she looked so innocent and pure, I felt like pulling her close and protecting her from everything.
I shook off my thoughts, it must be the alcohol messing with my head.
"You are late because of the distance from the moon to here."
"Huh? What?" I raised a brow.
She turned to me. "You traveled here. You are the man on the moon."
"Eh!?" This was verging on crazy drunk.
"Um..Zori .. I'm Jake." She leaned closer as if to take a closer look.
" are Jake. How are you. Why are you here and not in Sarah's skirts..heh"
An embarrassing blush rose to my cheeks. She gasps "i'm sorry."
Her cheeks turned red too, she quickly put the bottle to her lips.
"Forget it. Don't you think you've had enough." I eyed her warily.
She just shrugged.
"so why are you hiding out here and not enjoying like everyone." I asked.
"I'm not everyone." She leaned closer conspicuously and narrowed her brown eyes, I gulped from the proximity, while my heart had picked up speed.

"Pfft..kidding." she sat back to her original position, her voice lower now "i couldn't handle it. Its my first party, i know I am seventeen but i couldn't stand there feeling like i don't fit in, so i hid here." She looked at me expecting me to laugh at her, i just nodded my response.

"Why are you here its your party?"
Why am i here? Where should i start...

1266 words.

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