Chapter 2- At first sight

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Jake's POV:-

I groaned barely waking up to the alarm with a hangover. Last night is total a blur.
Suddenly someone jumped on me! Didn't need to see, i knew it was Alex, he always jump hugs us for no reason. I opened my eyes when i heard Mike snickering from the doorway.
Alex and Mike are my best friends since kindergarten, i love them but there are days when i clearly want to shoot them, at close range might I add.
I knocked him off me making him topple to the floor.
"Ouch man don't be so rough" Alex whined, i rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom locking the door, knowing them they'd get inside to annoy me.
I looked at my reflection trying to replay the events of last night, I remember going to Danny's party, dancing a bit, drinking a lot. There are only three things obvious...
Party= drinking = hook up.
Judging from the hickey on my neck I was most likely with Cathy, even though we aren't dating she always loves to leave me with marks.
Sighing I finished up my business in the bathroom, dressed up now I walked out into the room to find my two friends giggling at something on my phone in Alex's hand.
I leaped and snatched it away "haven't you guys heard of privacy, I'm so changing my password." I mumbled then gave them a pointed look. "What are you guys doing here before school anyway."
I took my backpack and headed downstairs. Alex usually drives Mike to school in his car.
"We're going with you today my dad took the car to work, his is at the service station."
"Anytime dude."I shrugged as i poured the milk into the cereal bowl then passing it to Alex.
Mike wasn't interested in the cereal he's more of heavy eater.
"Where's your mom." Mike asked peeking at the dinner plate with a sticky note on it.
"She and dad are going to a convention in LA. They'll be back in two weeks."

"Two weeks!!" Alex's eyes sparkle "means we can host a party here." I smiled at his enthusiasm.

My parents own a company which their fathers had partnered and started.
Mom and dad fell in love in college and married after graduation much to the joy of their parents.
They are business partners now, still very much in love.
I wish they'd spare some of that love for me too, i know they love me but they barely have time to be around me. It gets lonely sometimes especially during holidays.
Christmas and new year is the only time we spend like a family at first it used to make me happy but later on I started becoming agitated, the dread of being alone in this huge house everyday started creeping and taking hold of my heart and thats when the anxiety attacks took form.
Shaking those thoughts away i looked at Mike and Alex if they weren't in my life I'd probably be into drugs and a whole lot of shit, thank heavens for sending them to me.
"Sure but we have only 2 days before my aunt arrives to babysit me." I stated annoyed that my parents would think i still needed a babysitter. "Come on" Picking up the keys I headed out the door.

The school was just as loud as always, not that i dislike loud but when its a hangover, 'loud' is the last word you want to think about.
A pair of arms snake around my waist, I shut the locker and turn around, a smiling Cathy leaned up and pecked me cheek.
"Hey sweetie" she cooed, I looked at her and her four minions behind her and smiled.
"Lets meet up after school I miss you so much" I gave an internal eye roll, i knew this is all for show to uphold her popularity since i'm the second most popular guy.
"Yeah sure" she left with her entourage and I sighed in relief.
As i was saying, the top most 'Mr. Numero uno' is Ryder Thomson, he is the captain of our football team and the star player.
Every girl's dream, to get his attention every girl is ready to throw her self at his feet but just like me he is hell of a picky guy.
Popularity has gotten to our heads probably but i've gotten tired of these casual meaningless hook ups. I want someone to hold on to, the real thing, like what my mom and dad share, I'm sure she is out there.

My attention is brought back to reality when the school bell rings. I turn around and follow Mike and Alex to our first class.
"Why do you put up with her nonsense Jake! why don't you tell her to stop?" Mike complained walking into the class before me.
I just shrugged in reply and Alex scoffed as we made our way to our desks.
Pulling my chair back to sit "you won't under..." my words died in my throat.  Time stood still as soon as my eyes locked on the beauty who walked into the class....

865 words.
That's Jake for you.
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Luv y'all

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