Once Upon A Time

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A/N Helloooo again~! It's been a while...


And it's part 2 time!!! (And also angst time hehehehehehe-*sobbing*)

It starts off as a "Then" chapter but then transitions into a "Once Upon A Time" format.



Remy gripped the warm mug of hot cocoa in his hands. It was nearly hot enough to burn, the slight pain keeping Remy present and aware.

It wasn't that he didn't love his moms. They were wonderful.

He remembered being a lonely three-year old at the orphanage. He'd been a troublemaker, already filled with so much anger and sadness at such a young age. Nobody wanted him. Even the other children were scared by his defensive personality.

But he wouldn't let that hurt him, so he acted like he didn't want anyone else either.

The memories were blurry, but one was crystal clear. A woman with brown skin like his and kind eyes and her wife, a lady with a beautifully genuine smile.

They had approached Remy, something nobody else dared to do, and bonded over his self-painted nails and huge leather jacket. They were the first ones to compliment his style. The first ones to celebrate Remy for being himself.

Even after they adopted him, he kept thinking they would take him back. He was careful, obedient and constantly on-edge. It wasn't until a few months later when the pressure became too much that his moms reassured him that Remy was part of their family.

Afterwards, the two became slightly overprotective of their son. Coletté stopped working for a few years in order to better attend to Remy and Eta must've read five billion articles on how to notice red flags in children's behavior.

He could hear them whispering at night about him. They were so constantly worried that he felt the need to prove himself. So Remy started rebelling in tiny ways.

By the time he was in high school, Remy had convinced his Maman to go back to work, insisting he was alright. He and his best friend Roman were a team, they watched each-other's backs. His moms seemed to notice that and reluctantly backed off.

It wasn't until the incident that things got really bad. Now, Remy couldn't seem to live it down.

Someone touched his shoulder and suddenly Remy was wrenched into the present.

"You feeling better? You kinda drifted off for a second." Emile asked kindly. He didn't emphasize his concern, which Remy appreciated.

"Yeah," He lied, smirking and shaking off the lingering unease. "Were you staring, Picani?"

It was a pretty obvious tease but Emile blinked, confused, "Not really, but I'm glad you're doing better. Your Maan's gingerbread is a work of genius!"

Remy smiled back despite himself. Emile and Patton alike kind of had that affect on people. "Yeah, she's been making it since forever. Great, huh?"

Emile nodded happily through a mouthful of gingerbread, "Yeth!"

They were all gathered in the living room, the whole Castillo-Moretti-Chandra-Picani family.

Remy sat on the plush, maroon couch across from the fire with Emile almost shoulder to shoulder next to him. On his right, his Maman was seated in an embroidered purple armchair that had been in her family for generations, eagerly playing patty-cake with Patton who sat on the arm of the chair. To his left, his Maan sat on a second navy blue couch. Logan sat next to her, observing the neat cursive notes of Eta's giant cookbook while she spoke.

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