Once Upon a Time

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The art above is not mine but it is very fantastic so here's the link to the blog, go give the artist some love 😊: https://heyhelloitsk.tumblr.com/post/186496172085/the-first-time-creativity-split-it-was

AU by @donttellthemangoesiwashere on Tumblr. GO FOLLOW THEM!!!!!!

A/N: Italics (so words like this) mean the character is speaking in another language. For this fic it'll most likely be languages like Spanish, Greek, and Italian.

Song for this chapter: "Fuck You" by Lily Allen



It all started on the day Roman saw his brother, Remus, cry for the first time.

It was dinnertime for the Castillo family, a group of two perfect parents and two twin boys. As always, the conversation was carried about in a boisterous manner.

Mr. Castillo had just made a joke that didn't really make sense but was still funny for some unthinkable reason. The most rebellious of the two brothers recovered from the fit of laughter first and cleared his throat nervously.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you guys know I can't go to dinner with the Jones family on Friday." Remus said, looking down at his food. Ceviche, a family favorite.

Mrs. Castillo put her fork down and looked at her son in dismay, "Ay, hijo, what for? You know the Jones' are a very important family. How are you ever going to find a good wife like this?"

Remus opened his mouth to explain, wringing his hands in his lap. Roman, who sat next to him, saw this and raised an eyebrow.

"It's true!" Mr. Castillo said and clapped Roman on the shoulder, startling him out of his confusion. "You should be more like your brother. Now this boy we don't have to worry about."

Roman beamed at his father and Remus seemed to sink a little in his chair. He cleared his throat again. "Well, I've kinda got a date on Friday so I really can't go."

At this, Roman choked on his drink and the whole family froze, looking at Remus.

"A...date?" His mother whispered, her face full of shock. Mr. Castillo wore a similar expression.

Remus grinned, "Yeah."

After a beat the Castillo parents smile widely at their son, moving across the table to hug him. "Oh, cariño, I can't believe it!" His mother shouted happily.

Mr.Castillo ruffled his hair, "Well done, son! Who's the lucky girl?"

His mother loosened her grasp, jumping in excitement, "Oh, oh! I bet it was that girl from the Christmas party, Felicity Stevens, was it? You two seemed to be awfully friendly that night. She's such a good girl, and from a wealthy family too, oh mijo I'm so proud of you!"

Remus welcomed his family's joy at first, spying Roman's look of dismay over his parent's shoulder. Then he heard the word "girl" come out of his father's mouth and the dread in his stomach returned.

Carefully, he removed his mother's arms from around his shoulders. "Uh, actually, about that.... Mamá, Papá, I have something to tell you..."

Smiles shrinking a bit, the Castillo parents sat back down in their chairs. Mrs. Castillo had a slight crease of concern between her eyebrows, "What's wrong, bebé?"

Roman watched his brother look up and make eye contact with their parents. And somewhere in the back of his mind something clicked. The blood drained from his face as a wave of pure terror consumed him. The kitchen seemed to grow colder as Roman caught his brother's eye. They sat, staring for a moment until the moment broken by Remus.

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