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A/N Just a disclaimer

*enter Unus Annus disclaimer song heere*

This chapter takes place around five years after the first chapter so be aware that there have been some developments you guys don't know about yet. Let's begin!


"Half an hour, I can't believe it." Roman Castillo muttered in disbelief.

He walked along the city streets, staring at his phone and still in his apron from work. His hair was messy, sweat dotting his forehead from walking at such a fast pace.

Roman briskly tapped his phone a few times before holding it up to is ear and keeping it in place pressed against his shoulder. He used his hands to untie the apron as the dial tone rung.

It didn't take long for someone to answer, an amused voice speaking from the other end, "Well if it isn't my favorite brother! How've you been since you left?"

The man threw the apron over his shoulder and took the phone in his hand, "Remus, I only moved out a week ago and it's barely four blocks away. C'mon bro, I'm supposed to be the dramatic one."

There was a cackling laughter on the other end that made the slightly frustrated man grin just the tiniest bit. "Ok ok, seriously though Rem, shut up. I need your help. Patton's still with you, right?"

"Nah, I gave him a sippy cup of bleach and let him loose in a bear cave for some good old fashioned fun!"


"Yeah, yeah, of course he's still with me. It's been too long since I've hung out with my nephew, haven't let him outta my sight!"

Roman rolled his eyes, "You saw him two days ago."

"Exactly! Too fuckin' long!" Remus replied. There was some light giggling in the background and Roman's eyes narrowed, smiling.

"I know those giggles. Remus, are you swearing around my son?"

There was a quiet "shit!" Then some whispering before Remus said, "Whaaaaat, noooooo. I think something crawled into your ear and died bro, you're definitely hearing things."

"Oh yeah?" Roman had a full smile now, his frustration a fleeting memory. Putting on the cheery voice he usually used to talk to his son, Roman said, "Are you there, mi principé?"

The giggles sounded again, this time louder as Patton spoke into the phone, "Hi Papí!"

Remus let out a disappointed groan, "Patton, you blew our cover!"

Roman laughed then glanced at his watch and remembered why he had called his brother. "Hey tadpole, go play. I gotta talk to your Tío for a sec, alright?"

"Ok! Bye Papí!" Patton said happily, his voice fading as he got further away from the phone.

There was a pause before Remus spoke again, "The little target is now secure and playing with his terrifyingly vast assortment of stuffed animals. What's up, bro?"

Roman sighed heavily, "The boss held me later than I expected so I haven't bought Patton's gift yet. I've got exactly half an hour to get to the other side of the city and get back to the apartment in time for the party."

"What!?" There was a shuffling sound as Remus sat up, "Roman, why didn't you just ask to get off early? Who wouldn't understand having to leave early to get your kid's birthday present last minute?"

"My boss. I've told you he's an asshole, Remus. And I couldn't argue and risk getting fired, I needed today's paycheck to actually buy the gift, remember?" Roman grimaced, remembering his boss's raised eyebrow and cold order to work later. He angrily dug around his pockets for his subway card, walking down the stairs into a crowd of people just getting out of work.

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