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A/N Now to the current present! In this chapter (and probably all other "Now" chapters) Patton is 16 going on 17 and Logan is 17. You may all feel free to make The Sound of Music references, it is happily welcome. Anywho: enjoy chapter 5!


Patton Castillo is a morning person.

In other words, someone who can wake up at ungodly hours and enjoy it in a way most of us cannot. He sees his clock read 6:00 AM and smiles, knowing he has awakened with the sun itself. Perhaps he went to sleep late but he can open his eyes at the crack of dawn and, unlike normal people, feel happy about it.

Perhaps his abnormal good mood when getting up in the morning was a result of seeing his father off to work every day as a child. Maybe it came from his love for breakfast foods. Maybe he liked the feeling of being awake while the rest of his town slept. The feeling of being alone and truly himself.

Or maybe he was simply just (as Virgil put it) strange.

Whatever the reason, this factor of Patton's personality was what made him get up at five AM the first day of his senior year and see the lovely view of a pink sunrise outside his window.

Of course, since he lived in the city, the world wasn't completely quiet. There were still faint sounds of honking horns and beeping streetlights in the distance.

But it was far quieter than the daytime and Patton felt a certain peace.

That is, until his Tío Remus slammed open his bedroom door in a black pea coat with yellow lining, holding only his car keys and grinning manically. "RISE AND SHINE TADPOLE! We're getting family-discount breakfast at Neend Café!"

You see, Remus was also a morning person but his reason for being so was not as unexplainable as Patton's. Remus felt a great joy in awakening his brother with a prank, stealing his roomate's clothes while he slept and taking advantage of discounts at Remy's café. So in short, Remus liked mornings because it was the one time that no one was awake to reign in his chaotic personality.

Patton smiled at his Tío but raised a disapproving eyebrow, "Okay, but we should actually pay this time, Tío. Uncle Remy needs the money for the cafe."

The two had a staring contest for a second before the older man finally gave in, rolling his eyes,"Fiiiine. Jeez, you're just as annoyingly noble as tu Pápa." Remus grumbled, folding his arms and leaning against the doorframe, "Just get ready quick, I'm driving you to school." He turned around and walked away so Patton could get dressed.

The boy gave a silent cheer at his small success. Remus hardly ever listened to anyone so it was worth celebrating.

Patton slid out of bed and took a quick glance around. He had redecorated that summer, painting the walls his favorite shade of sky blue and putting up a large cork board above his desk. It was covered in Polaroid pictures of all his friends and family.

There was one of him and Sam on a rollercoaster in sixth grade looking nervous and excited. And beside that one, a picture of him and his Papí eating huge banana splits at a fancy restaurant for his quinceañera. His father looked horrified at the monstrosity of strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla covered in gallons of hot fudge and whipped cream. In the image, Patton was laughing at Remus in the background, sporting a whipped cream mustache and imitating his brother's expression.

There were many more, depicting a day-long monopoly competition between Janus and Virgil at the very moment Remus dived onto the board.

Him surrounded by his friend group at his Junior year Homecoming dance, wearing a purposely corny, light blue suit with ruffles. Lily had her arm linked with his, posing in her tiny, lavender dress.

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