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A/N Hey guys! Here's a Then update because I needed some Pat and Virge BONDING. Enjoy!!!!!!


Virgil was anxious.

Crazy, right?

He was pacing in his apartment alone, hugging himself nervously and imagining several ways his day could go horribly.

This may come as a surprise to you but Virgil had an intensified anxiety disorder that he had been diagnosed with early on. It often led him to believe that things would be worse than they actually turned out to be.

"You're gonna be fine!" Emile said cheerfully from the other side of the phone, "Patton's a super sweet kid, even sweeter than Steven Universe himself! There's no trouble to be had."

Virgil huffed out a laugh, "Oh, sure. Emile, the only other kid I've ever looked after is Logan and I love him but he's not exactly what I'd call normal. What if I screw up?"

"What if you don't? What if you're just worrying because you don't want to disappoint Roman? What if all it takes is providing Patton with basic needs and you're just afraid of being yourself?" Emile said curiously.

Virgil paused in the middle of his apartment and stopped fiddling with the zipper of his hoodie. He glared at the wall,"Why the hell are you so perceptive?!?!"

Emile laughed lightly, "I have no idea!"

Virgil fell onto his couch and sighed, "I just don't want to disappoint them..."

"Aw, Virge!" Emile sounded concerned, "You know if anything goes wrong, which I severely doubt it will, I'll run over there with my Gravity Falls DVDs! You'll always have friends in your corner, okay?"

After a moment of silence, Virgil laughed a bit, "I feel strangely reassured...thanks Picani."

"No problem! Have fun, Virgil!"

"'Kay, bye." Virgil smiled and hung up. The apartment was far too quiet and far too big for Virgil by himself. Logan was at a gifted program for his school all weekend so Virgil had found himself missing the sound of shuffling papers and clacking computer keys.

His smile quickly dissipated and Virgil let out another long sigh, draping an arm over his eyes. Roman had an audition for a theatre role and had trusted Virgil enough to look after his ten year old son, a boy so unlike him and Logan, being based almost entirely on positive emotion.

It was nerve wracking.

But before Virgil could freak out even more, there was a knock at his door that matched the opening notes of Hamilton. Which meant it could only be one person.


"Gerard Gay!"

Virgil snorted, "Breathtakingly accurate title. You ready for your audition?"

Roman's face flickered to an expression Virgil recognized as severe anxiety but quickly masked it with a confident smirk. "I was born ready, Moretti."

"Mhm." Virgil replied, narrowing his eyes. He reached up and flicked Roman between the eyes, making the man yelp.

"What was that for?!?!"

"Lying to me. It's okay to be nervous. You're gonna do great, Princey."

Roman rubbed the bridge of his nose and grumbled, "There could've been a nicer way of reassuring me but thank you."

Virgil grinned, "Where's Patton?"

A boy slightly shorter and more widely built than Logan (who was basically a lanky cat in stature) stepped out from behind Roman, covering a smile. He wore khaki pants and a light blue shirt patterned with white cats. "Hi Virgil!!!"

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