{Chapter 8}

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A/N: I was playing with thermoplastic in school yesterday, basically  you can mould it and it hardens after 5 minutes to form a sculpture kinds thing and it hardened really fast it was annoying.
So I said "This is like straight men, annoying and easily hardened."
My group stared at me like wtf and I was like "Sorry I read Wattpad"

After literal hours of wandering in a dark forest, the sun slowly started to rise, providing them with a source of light. Tommy and Tubbo kept trying to catch bees with their hands, resulting in Tubbo actually getting stung by one, so he sat down and cried as his friend comforted him.

"The bees hate me," he sobbed.

"No, Tubbo, they don't," Tommy reassured him, his voice surprisingly gentle.


"Calm, Tubbo, calm."


"Shh, calm, Tubbo."

It took them a while, but they finally managed to get the young teenager up and walking again. Luck must have been on their side, because Wilbur gave them the good news that he had regained his strength and could teleport again.

Wilbur gathered them. "Alright, everyone, in a circle! Just saying, you're gonna have to catch me when we reach there, because I'm definitely going to pass out..."

Dream frowned, looking at something behind a wall of trees. He approached the mysterious place, stepping on the leaves slowly, as if he was cautious not to alert something, even though there was nothing there. Pushing through the bushes to get a good look. There was something familiar about there, something drew him there-

"Dream!" he whipped his head back at the sound of his name. 

No one was there. Who was that? 

He looked around. Who the hell was that?

"Dream!" a deeper, male voice called. Dream snapped back to reality, seeing an annoyed Technoblade standing there impatiently. "Where the hell were you? We're leaving now!"

"R-right," Dream followed him back to the others, who were all standing in a circle. Techno held on to Tubbo and reached out his other hand, beckoning to the blonde.

Dream took it, slightly embarrassed. "Brace yourselves," Wilbur warned. 

Instantly, Dream remembered an old advertisement of a peanut man yelling "Brace yourselves!" and proceeding to throw a pair of braces into a little girls mouth. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind.

The familiar breeze brushed at their faces and they were gone. 


"Sir, we really only have two available rooms." the man behind the counter drawled. 

"Absolutely absurd! Your hotel is empty!" Phil huffed.

"Motel," he corrected. "And those two rooms are the only clean ones. Unless you want rooms that haven't been cleaned in three years."

Phil sighed, tapping his fingers on the plastic. "Well can we clean those?"

"That would be extra cost," the man smiled, twisting the keys in between his fingers. "Two rooms, take it or leave it."

"Yes, we take it," Wilbur interjected, handing him the money. "It's the best we can afford right now, Phil." 

Phil gave a light nod as he received the keys. They had found a motel not so far from the ball. It was the only thing they could afford at the moment, considering their castle, along with all their valuables, got burnt down. At least, they assumed so. Besides, they needed some money to buy formal outfits for the ball, or they'd make a fool of themselves.

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