Part 2: The Gaoling Party

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Summary: Zuko and his convoy arrive in Gaoling a few hours before the party. Zuko, worried for Suki, suggests she takes it easy for tonight. She and Zuko winds up accompanying each other to the party. However, an embarrassing situation develops as Zuko drinks more than he can handle.


"Fire Lord Zuko, we are arriving at Gaoling." Zuko's head shot up as he woke up, seeing that the dense woodland had turned to farmland, and a city between the mountains, stretching far back, was slowly coming into view. Zuko stretched and felt a small weight on his side. He glanced down and saw Kiyi snuggled into him, fast asleep. A sad smile came to his face. Something about her reminded him of a time when he and Azula used to get on, back before he was banished. He pushed those thoughts from his mind as he looked at Ursa and Noren sleeping, with Ursa resting her head on Noren's shoulder. He sat back, a more content smile on his face. "Fire Lord, are you okay?" came the concerned voice of his coachman.

"Huh... Oh sorry, I was asleep. Yes I am fine. Tell me when we are close to the Beifong estate," Zuko responded, as he closed his eyes again. Zuko heard people calling out and saw that they were now in the city, travelling along the main road. The people there were staring at him as they rode past, a look of intrigue and worry on their faces. Zuko had grown used to the reaction, although still felt guilty whenever he saw it.

"Are we there yet Zuzu?" asked Kiyi, as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. He looked back at her as the rest of his family began to wake up.

"Almost, another minute or two and we'll be at the gates of the Beifong's," he told her, looking at the large walled estate and mansion, easily visible among the other buildings. "When we get there I'll make sure to ask Suki to do your make-up, you'll be just as pretty as her," Zuko whispered to her. Kiyi grinned widely at that, and looked at a mirror, looking forward to seeing herself in the war paint. The convoy stopped outside the gates and Zuko stepped out, helping his sister and mother out, while Noren stepped out the other side.

"This garden is beautiful, the pond reminds me of the one at home," Ursa noted as she stepped through the gates. She looked at Zuko as he began to walk towards his personal carriage.

"You three head on in, I'm going to see if Suki needs any help," Zuko called after them as he walked away. He opened the door and saw Suki with a cup of tea in her hand, smiling at him.

"I was wondering if you had all forgotten about me," She said as she stood, putting a small bit of weight on her sprained ankle.

"How are you feeling?" Zuko asked, as he offered her his hand.

"It's still at me, but I think I can walk for the most part," She told him as she took his hand and let him help her off the carriage. She took a few careful steps, until she was comfortable. They slowly walked side by side through the garden, watching Zuko's servants bringing in cases from the convoy.

"So tell me, did we make it on time?" Zuko said, looking at Suki. She gave a small laugh and rolled her eyes.

"Just about, next time try and let me know when you want to visit some random village during a trip, so I can at least plan it," Suki said, nudging him in he side with her elbow. "Tardiness isn't a good trait for a Fire Lord to have."

"Is anyone really going to call out the Fire Lord for being late though, I can't think of many being brave enough to do it," Zuko said as he watched turtle ducks swimming in the pond.

"That's my job, with Iroh in Ba Sing Se you need someone to smack some sense into you every now and again." Zuko let out a laugh, but straighten up when he saw Lao and Poppy approaching. The pairs bowed to each other and continued to the mansion.

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