Unintentional Dating: Chapter 5

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Suki looked up at the flying bison as she stepped through the gates to the Royal Palace, onto the barren, rocky perimeter surrounding it. She gave a wave to a group of Kyoshi Warriors, who were sparring with members of the Royal Procession in a small training courtyard they had built once they arrived.

"Suki, I thought Fire Lord Zuko said you're meant to be off for the festival?" a Kyoshi Warrior asked as she reached the entrance to the palace.

"I decided to cut my break short, I hadn't finished planning guard positions and patrols for during the last night of celebrations," Suki told them, stopping and narrowing her eyes at the Kyoshi Warrior on guard. "Maiko, where are your fans?" Maiko shifted nervously as her leader waited for her answer.

"She-" the first warrior began, but Suki shot out her hand, signaling for her to be quiet.

"Ami, she can explain herself," Suki said authoritatively, without looking away from Maiko.

"I kind of lost them," Maiko said slowly, staring at her feet. "When we arrived last night Ami and I spent some time around the lower city. I may have put them up as a bet for a game."

"You put your war fans, probably the most important thing about being a Kyoshi Warrior, up as a bet?" Suki repeated, dumbfounded. "First, take this to my office," Suki ordered, handing the koi fish to Maiko. "Second, You and Ami are on cleaning duty in the barracks for a month. Before you even argue Ami, you should have stopped her from doing something so idiotic." The two guardswomen pouted as Suki walked past them in the Royal Palace. She could hear the two bickering even as she closed the door. She made her way towards the throne room, receiving slight nods and smiles from the many guards she passed, and even a few from the politicians going about their business. She saw Zuko, off of his throne and on the ground speaking with Ty Lee. He looked over and frowned as she strode over.

"Toph told you that you have the next couple days off right?" Zuko asked as she reached him.

"Yeah, but I had some things I needed to take care of first. I had a lovely afternoon with Sokka though." Suki told him. She looked over to Ty Lee, who had an uncertain look on her face. "Is everything okay?"

"Zuko was just telling me something, and I don't like it, so I know you'll hate it," Ty Lee explained, "He wants to go into the city without any security detail, I've been trying to tell him we can't exactly leave him do that."

"He wants to go into the city, during the time when the largest number of people are here, completely unguarded?" Suki said, turning to Zuko. "That's not happening." Zuko sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It'll be okay, I won't even be in my normal clothing, no one will know it's me," he tried to explain to Suki, who had now folded her arms across her chest.

"Zuko, you remember why we were brought here in the first place right?" Suki asked him, and he went back to pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, multiple assassination attempts on my life," Zuko admitted. "However there hasn't been one in nearly half a year."

"Nearly half a year since the last attempt on your life, you're saying that like it's something to be happy about. Aren't you forgetting about Azula and her band of crazies a couple months ago?" Ty Lee said.

"That doesn't count, those were kidnappings, not an assassination attempt," Zuko , causing Ty Lee and Suki to share a glance and roll their eyes.

"Either way, I'm not leaving you go unprotected, Fire Lord or not," Suki said defiantly. Zuko was about to give up when a thought came to him.

"Alright, but would you change into more normal clothing, rather than your uniform and meet me here in about an hour? Now if you'll excuse me," he said, looking to Suki. He turned and walked towards one of his advisors, who had been waiting to speak to him. "Make sure it isn't anything too fancy by the way, just simple civilian clothing," he called to her without turning back to her.

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