Three's Company: Chapter 8

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The noise of the city got louder and the streets busier as they strolled along the well-lit paths. Slowly, the amount of people on the street grew; families and couples going to restaurants and seeing what the night had to offer. While Satoru and Toph mostly blended well into the Upper Ring, Satoru only being distinguishable from his red clothing, Sokka hadn't a hope. The dark-skinned, weapon carrying warrior was a clear contrast to the high-class people of the Upper Ring in their well made clothing and jewelry. However, Sokka mostly didn't notice the sideways glances.

Various men and women stood by the entrances of the doors of the buildings lining the streets. They called out to others, encouraging them to come and enjoy whatever it was their business offered, be it food, entertainment or luxury goods.

Satoru clapped his hands and rubbed them together. "So, will we see if we can find a nice restaurant?" Satoru said as he looked around the street. "I doubt it would be hard. I'm sure there is a square with anything we want just a bit ahead. Ba Sing Se has everything."

"Honestly," Sokka began, "I don't feel like some big meal. I might have something small from a vendor if we find one." Sokka looked back at Toph, who had stopped in her tracks and stared at him with her mouth agape.

For show, she cautiously looked him up and down. "How can you not be hungry? You're always hungry!" Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Who are you, and what did you do with Sokka?"

"I probably just filled up on food at the Jasmine Dragon, those dumplings were delicious," Sokka told her, although she still eyed him suspiciously for a few moments still.

She shrugged and gave a grin towards Satoru. "Well, that just means more for me. I'm starving! I could eat a whole hippo cow," Toph said. Sokka began looking around, searching for somewhere to bring her.

Satoru saw it first.

"Over here," Satoru said, pointing to a small line of people queued by the large open window of a store. Lovely smells of meats and spices wafted through the air around it. "Come on Toph, I'll get you something." Satoru glanced back at Sokka. "Would you like anything?" Sokka simply shrugged and leaned against the post of a house, watching as they stood in line. Once they reached the front, Satoru pointed towards the menu. Satoru seemed to freeze, until he dropped his hand and started laughing. Toph stood with her arms crossed. Her head was tilted in that disappointed way she always had it whenever he made the same mistake. Sokka looked away and he realised he was grinding his teeth.

"Don't want to ruin my perfect smile," Sokka mumbled as he watched the people walk past him. He spotted a couple who were looking over at him, their eyes glancing from him, to his heavy club, and to sword at his hip. He gave a small wave and smiled at them. The woman gave a hesitant smile back, and the man gave a curt nod, keeping his eyes on him. Sokka held the man's gaze, puzzled by the way he looked at him, until he spotted Satoru and Toph returning with food in their hands.

"Sure you don't want some food, Meathead?" Toph asked when she reached him. She held out the stick with a thick piece of meat on it but he still shook his head. She pulled a face. "Are you sure you aren't sick?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure," Sokka said, giving a small laugh.

"I was talking to someone in the shop, asking them for any suggestions for somewhere nice to spend the night," Satoru said after he swallowed his food. "He mentioned the Si Wong Oasis, some bar not far from here."

"That sounds perfect. Some drinks would be nice after all the travelling and working," Sokka said.

"Getting drunk sounds fun!" Toph mumbled through her food.

"I'm not sure if that's exactly a good idea, especially considering you're only fifteen," Satoru said, frowning at her while Sokka laughed.

"It'll be fine, let's go. Hopefully, it's not as difficult to find as old Owly's library," Sokka said, waving away Satoru's concerns. They walked along the street for another few minutes, Sokka and Toph reminiscing about the time in the desert, while Satoru gushed over her holding the entire library up, until they spotted the name along a building.

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