Part 3: Unintentional Dating: Chapter 1

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Summary: The Gang are meeting up in the Capital City of the Fire Nation during a festival on the invitation from Fire Lord Zuko. While there, Sokka and Toph go out and see what fun can be had during the festival. They quickly go back to their old ways of scamming. Later on in the festival, Suki accompanies Zuko, disguised as a civilian, around the city as the festival continues.


Sokka peered over the edge of Appa's saddle, looking at the great statue of Azulon in the evening light, smirking as he remembered how simple it had been to think up a plan to bypass it. He looked over to Katara, who had her arms wrapped around Aang's waist. Whatever their conversation was, the wind whipped it away before he could hear it, not that he exactly wanted to hear it. He reached into a small bag by his side, searching for something.

"Hey, where's my seal jerky?!" Sokka yelled, flipping his bag upside and shaking it. He shot Katara and Aang an accusing look.

"I didn't take it, and Aang's a vegetarian," Katara called back to him, not turning around to him. Sokka thought for a moment, until his eyes narrowed.

"Momo," Sokka said, his gaze snapping to the small lemur, "did you steal my jerky?"Momo looked up at him, head tilting to one side. He jumped up and flew to Katara's side as Sokka made a leap for him. Sokka sighed, having played this game may times, and simply sat back down. They were passing over the Royal Plaza, Fire Nation soldiers were lining up along the red street in the middle, with crowds of people beginning to come out of the lower city.

"What's going on down there?" Aang asked the group as they made their way to the upper city, the Royal Caldera.

"Looks like some sort of welcoming committee," Katara noted. They gasped as they rose above the volcano. In the many open squares of the city bright flames lit up the area and stages where set up. The streets were lined with stalls and people. The smell of Fire Nation food wafted upward, and Sokka happily took in deep breaths. Sounds of laughter and cheering filled the air as Appa lowered into one of the less populated squares.

"Well this is a surprise," Sokka stated as he followed Aang and Katara off Appa. They watched two actors preform acrobatics on a stage, wearing masks and throwing fake fire at each other. "I've always liked how the Fire Nation does plays," Sokka said, moving towards the small crowd by the stage, "We should get one of them to come to the South Pole sometime."

"Avatar Aang, it is a pleasure," came a voice from their side. They looked over and saw an official, flanked by two Fire Nation guards. The man bowed to the group, who returned his bow. "I am Atsushi, an advisor to Fire Lord Zuko, allow me to escort you to your rooms." The man turned and began to walk towards the Royal Palace. Aang and Katara looked to Sokka, who shrugged and followed after him.

"Where is Zuko?"Sokka asked as they walked.

"He is returning from a trip to the Earth Kingdom; you may have seen the crowds down in the forum. He should be with you shortly." Atsushi explained. "I was told there would be a fourth member of your group, Toph Beifong?"

"Last time we saw her she was travelling back to Yu Dao from the South Pole," Katara said, walking arm in arm with Aang. "If she's expected though she'll probably be here."

"Thank Tui and La!,"Sokka said loudly, "I won't have to deal with you two being all oogie all night." Katara shot an annoyed look at her brother, while Aang simply laughed.

"I didn't complain a tall while you were off having fun with Suki in your tent," Katara hissed, which simply made Sokka grin at her. He walked in-between them and threw his arms around their shoulders.

"That's because I'm you big brother," Sokka told her, "You however are my little sister, so of course I'm going to complain seeing you being all lovey-dovey with any boy." Katara simply rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the stomach.

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