Three's Company: Chapter 12

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Sokka rummaged through his pack, making sure he had enough clothing for the journey. He slid his sword into it's scabbard and secured it to his waist. He stepped over to his desk, picking up the letter for Suki and reading over it one last time before folding it and putting it into an envelope. He melted the wax over a small fire in his room and sealed the letter with the symbol of a wolf's head.

"Surely a letter from the Chief of the South would get priority over others," Sokka said, smirking as he slipped the letter into his bag and headed downstairs. He slowed to a stop as he entered the kitchen, seeing two small, packed sacks on the table.

"You finally got up," Malina said, sitting close to the main fire while reading construction reports. "I thought Toph was going to have travel alone. Hopefully those help."

"What is all this?" he said, walking over to the sacks and opening them up, finding them full of food.

"I went out this morning and gathered some stuff for you and Toph. I thought it might save you a bit on supplies. It's mostly dried meat, but it should last both of you a while." Malina looked up at him, smiling softly. "Maliq and I lived on this type of stuff when we first left the North. We were always travelling to different towns trying to find work."

"Thank you," Sokka muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "Malina, how much did this cost?" He reached into his pocket. She raised an eyebrow and frowned at him.

"Sokka, we're family. You don't need to pay me back. Think of it as a gift for you birthday if it makes it easier," she told him, rolling her eyes and looking back to her reports, hiding her grin.

"Oh..." He stood there for a few moments before he stepped over to Malina and gave her a quick hug. He heard her laughing quietly as he slung the two sacks of food over his shoulders and headed out.

Sokka made his way through the city, getting a few waves and passing nods as he walked by. As he neared the city gates, he spotted Katara and Toph. Toph turned her head slightly to him when he neared, and a moment later Katara looked at him, and her brow furrowed.

"About time, Snoozles. We were planning on sending a search party to rescue you out of bed," Toph said when he reached them.

"Hey! I wasn't sleeping. I actually had some stuff to take care of first."

"Sure, you did, Snoozles. Hurry up. Gears has been ready to leave for a while now. He still has to make his meetings in the Fire Nation." Toph turned and began walking towards the airship. "See ya later, Sugar Queen." Sokka began trudging after her until Katara put a hand on his shoulder.

"He'll be two minutes, Toph. I've got to talk to him for a bit," Katara called to the blind girl, who kept walking.

"Whatever! Just don't be too long," she yelled back.

"You sound annoyed. What did I do this time?" Sokka said, letting out a sigh.

"Why aren't you going to see Suki?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"I'm...I'm travelling with Toph," he said .

"Then why didn't you say that when I gave you the letter? I'd have thought you'd at least mention you weren't going to be staying in the South when you got back."

"I forgot about it. Calm down, Katara." Sokka put his hands up defensively when he saw the small twitch in his sister's eye. A few tense, silent moments passed as she eyed him angrily before responding.

"I was just talking to Toph about what your plan is for this trip, and she hadn't any idea," she said.

"Do you really expect a blind girl to be able to read a map?"

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