Three's Company: Chapter 9

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"That one's nice– oh, but that one has the Earth Kingdom symbol in gold on the front, just like my old bag," Sokka said to himself as he stared through the window of the shop. Toph swayed side to side, a permanent look of giddiness on her face as she tried to not fall over while she waited for Sokka.

"I didn't realise you still loved your little purses," Toph called to him. He glared back at her, but finally stepped away from the closed store. "Another thing you and Satoru seem to have in common," Toph noted as Sokka walked back to her.

"They're not purses! They're bags for men, a man-bag if you will," Sokka snapped, then paused. "Although, maybe in Satoru's case, calling it a purse is correct."

Toph gave a small laugh. "I still don't get why he acted that way. I never knew he thought like that," she said. "I thought you two were actually becoming friends."

"He's probably intimidated by having an actual warrior around him." Sokka shrugged, then frowned when Toph stopped and doubled over with laughter. His expression deepened when she kept laughing, her arms wrapped around her sides. "Hey, I'm very threatening!"

"Maybe to little girls," Toph managed to say. She suddenly stopped, an amused look on her face as she looked at Sokka. "Oh, wait..." She broke down into laughter again, while Sokka crossed his arms and turned away from the girl, noticing the people passing by looking at them. Toph pulled herself together, then rolled her eyes when she realised he was turned away from her. "You're so easy to make upset. Come on." She grabbed his hand and pulled him along. Sokka couldn't help but grin as he was dragged by a girl nearly half his size. She slowed to a walk once Sokka had found his footing, but didn't let go of his hand.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather hold onto my big muscles?" Sokka asked, smirking at the memory of Toph discreetly fawning over him back in the Fire Nation. She immediately released his hand and gave Sokka another punch to add to the collection.

"That's the sixth one today; my arm is going to be black and blue for weeks!" Sokka pouted as he rubbed his arm.

"They're birthday beatings. Stop being a baby." She smirked at him. "Although, if you want me to stop..."

"What are you plan–" Toph grabbed him by the wrist, and pulled down sharply. The ground opened and swallowed his hand, then with a small clench of her fist, the ground closed around his hand. With a few movements of her feet, she did the same to his ankles.

"Haha, very funny, Toph. Now let me out," Sokka said, not bothering to try to pull out of the earth. He craned his neck and saw Toph step in front of him. She placed her hand on the top of his head.

"What did you say back in the Jasmine Dragon again?" she asked.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry! Now let me out." Sokka looked up at her malicious grin. Toph simply laughed as she stepped to the side and pulled up his sleeve. She pulled back her fist and Sokka shut his eyes and braced for what was coming.

"Seven," Toph said, lightly tapping his arm. "Eight." The tap was a bit harder, but nothing that would faze the man. Toph kept counting with slightly more power behind each punch. "Sixteen." Sokka clamped his mouth shut and gritted his teeth. "Seventeen."

How is such a tiny girl so strong!? Sokka grunted from the hit, and Toph grinned. She walked in front of him again and bent down until their faces were only inches apart. He stared into her milky green eyes. I could easily kiss her from. . . Sokka decided to stare up at the sky, but his eyes wouldn't leave hers for very long. Just a small one on her lips. She's already going to punch you anyway, might as well give her a reason. He let out a slow sigh and looked back into her eyes.

Fan 'n' Flame; Earth 'n' SwordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora