Unintentional Dating: Chapter 2

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Toph wasn't sure exactly what Sokka was talking about, something about using the Southern Air Temple as a hiding place. She had zoned out by the time he had started talking about stealing a war balloon. She put her arm across his chest, snapping him out of his ramblings.

"Sokka, I'm blind and even I can see this plan won't work," Toph told him, causing him to cross his arms and pout. "I have a better idea, how about we see what's happening in the festival, and see what mischief we can get up to."

"I guess we can do that," Sokka said, perking up. "Right now though I'm pretty hungry, wanna see what they got at the stalls?" Toph inhaled deeply, licked her lips and nodded.

"Sounds good to me," Toph said, and the two walked side by side into the festival. The pair got many strange looks as they walked through the crowds. However neither took much notice of it. "Wait a minute," Toph asked, confused by the vendor, "you're saying this is komodo rhino meat?"

"Yep, is there something wrong?" the vendor asked, looking down at his sausages.

"I wouldn't have thought they'd be used for food, I've only seen them in the Fire Nation army," Toph said. The vendor simply laughed at her comment.

"They're made of meat aren't they, only the strongest breeds are taken for military use, it's mostly farm work." The vendor explained as Toph thought it over.

"If that's the case, I'll take two," Toph said, laughing with the vendor. She heard the sound of sticks being driven into meat, and took the sausages.

"That'll be four copper pieces." Toph reached into her pocket and handed the vendor the coins. "Earth Kingdom, should have guessed by your clothes." Toph nodded and took a large bite of her sausage.

"I have to say, they're tastier than you would have thought when running away from them," Toph noted. She suddenly heard Sokka frantically calling to her.

"Toph get over here!" She gave a small nod to the vendor and began walking towards where Sokka was shouting from.

"What is it Meathead?" Toph asked, taking another bite of her rhino sausage.

"That's just it Toph, meat!" Sokka exclaimed, a big grin on his face. Toph stared at him, unimpressed.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but we're surrounded by meat you idiot," Toph mumbled through her food.

"Yes, but this is special meat, come on," Sokka told her, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her towards a stall.

"I think you're the special one," Toph said, smiling anyway as he pulled her.

"May I present to you, Southern Water Tribe seal jerky," Sokka announced, beaming as the woman behind the counter looked at him oddly.

"Wasn't that the really tough stuff we had, that wasn't nice at all?" Toph asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah..." Sokka admitted "Except it isn't in a frozen tundra anymore, so it shouldn't break your teeth." Toph's eyebrow didn't drop as Sokka turned his attention to the stall and smiled at the woman at the counter.

"How is there even seal jerky here?" Sokka asked, bewildered at the idea of it being in the Fire Nation.

"Trade with the Water Tribes, once it thaws out it's delicious. Traditional or spicy?" she asked. Sokka looked at the woman, confused again. "Spicy is seasoned with some of our spices." Sokka's mouth dropped,

"I'll have to give that a try," Sokka said, looking back at Toph. "Make it four slices."

"Two silver pieces please." Sokka handed the woman the coins and turned back to Toph.

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