28. Introductions

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The next morning, Annalise and Noah left the hiding place. Annalise led the way to the main road that would lead her back home. Noah wasn't really sure where they were going, but he followed her.

He didn't have anyone else to trust.


Annalise told Noah about the past few months and all that had happened. Since he had rescued her and he wasn't one of the "bad guys", she felt like she could trust him. 

But trust seemed like such a bitter word now. 

It's not like he could remember anything from his past.

Or could he?


"So let me get this straight," Noah started. "Your close friend, the dude who kidnapped you, is actually your enemy."


"And you are all looking in old houses for hidden messages."


"So you guys are breaking and entering."

"Ye- wait no."

"You aren't?"

"No.... well.... I guess we kinda are."

"And that's ok?"


"You got some serious issues."

"Hah. Says the one who can't remember his own name."

The two continued to walk in silence.

Noah looked at Annalise and watched as her long, red hair seemed to float in the soft wind. She seemed friendly, but very strange. Not your typical person.

She isn't weird, though. She just sees everything differently.

Eventually, they came across the main road and they began to follow it from a distance. Noah had never been this way before.

At least, he didn't think so.

Annalise began to chatter away once more- talking about books, ice-cream, dogs, and anything else that seemed to cross her mind. And for some reason, Noah didn't mind listening.

He supposed that the constant talking must have distracted him from where they were heading and the time, because very soon, he realized that he was in a small town. Noah looked around eagerly. He found it very...charming.

"This way," Annalise led him around a few corners and past a library. "I don't live far from town."

Annalise started down a street that led right out of town. But instead of walking on the sidewalk, she turned left and walked around all the houses and through backyards. Noah struggled to keep up. "Why are we walking through here? Wouldn't it just be easier to walk down, you know, the road?"

Annalise panted, "The Colle- Chris- undoubtedly has his men watching the abandoned house near my house. They won't be watching my house because he never knew where I lived. So we are trying to sneak behind these houses and away from the abandoned one."


Noah watched as Annalise climbed over a fence very awkwardly and landed in the yard behind it. Noah followed her and saw that she was already running into the next yard. "Noah, hurry! This is it!" she whispered loudly.

He dashed over to where she was standing and they both walked into her backyard. The back door to her house was closed and locked. Annalise reached under a fake plant in her garden and pulled out a key. She quickly unlocked the door and rushed the two of them inside. 

Annalise took a deep breath and whispered, "We should get something to drink."

But as soon as she rounded the corner to the kitchen, she was punched in the stomach by a tall, dark-haired boy. 

"That's-*gasp*-my move..."

The dark-haired boy widened his eyes. 

"Annalise!" A girl around the boy's age raced into the kitchen behind him and tackled Annalise. 

"Annalise, I was so worried!" Noah stepped back from the three and watched as the boy joined in the group hug. 

They stayed like that for a few seconds. In fact, they stayed like that so long, that Noah wondered if he should join in the group hug. 


That would be weird. 

"Guys... can't... breathe!" The two strangers let go of her and looked at each other sheepishly.

"Sorry," they chorused. 

Annalise stumbled over to where Noah was and placed a hand on his shoulder while she clutched her stomach. "This... is a dude I just met. He doesn't know his name and he saw himself digging a grave. He's chill."

Noah looked at her in horror. What a horrible way to introduce someone. So much for a good first impression. But to his surprise, the other two just laughed. 

"That's funny, Annalise." The girl walked over to the sink to get two glasses of water. 

Annalise scrunched up her nose. "I'm not jok- wait! How did you guys get here? This is my house!" The boy shuffled his feet while he responded, "I may have watched you find your house key before..."

Annalise slapped his arm. 

"Good job, Liam."

He winced and rubbed his arm. "Gee... thanks, Annalise."

Annalise nodded and turned back to Noah, "Anyway, like I was saying, this is Noah." 

The girl handed him a glass of water and shook his free hand. "Nice to meet you, Noah. I'm Sara." The boy crossed his arms awkwardly and grinned. "I'm Liam." Liam turned to Annalise and asked in a quiet voice, "How much does he know?"

Annalise played with a strand of her red hair. "Um... everything."

Sara rolled her blue eyes. "Lovely." Then, she crossed her arms as well and asked Noah a question. 

"Now, what's your story?"

Noah gulped. "Funny you should ask..."

"...I don't know."

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