40. The Captured

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Phin woke to the sound of muffled screams.

She hurriedly jumped out of her messy bed and tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes. Then she raced out of her room and investigated the rude awakening. Phin very quickly realized that Noah was not in his usual sleeping spot on the living room couch and she made a reasonable assumption.

Noah was once again being kidnapped.

At this point, it was just getting annoying.

Even though part of her was amazed at the incredible number of times this man had been kidnapped, she was extremely worried for his safety. He had begun to mean a lot to Phin recently.

Phin's legs didn't seem to move fast enough as she tore out the back door of her house and surveyed her surroundings with a racing heart.

She never had a chance.

Large threatening arms were wrapped around her face and body before she even saw where Noah could possibly be.

Phin thrashed around to try and make things difficult. She tried to mess up his plan.

She was really good at messing up plans.

She was really good at messing up.

Unfortunately, the man was really good at improvising, because none of her attempts worked. He dragged her into the woods behind her house and quickly instructed some men to tape her mouth and tie her up.

And there he was.

Noah was on a stretcher, with what looked like wires, hooked up to him. His eyes were partially closed but twitching.

Although she was confused, Phin knew that at least one of them needed to get out of this mess. She used all the energy she had left to squirm out of the nasty arms of her attackers and pull all the wires away from Noah in one swift motion. Noah immediately sat upright, fell off his unguarded stretcher, and backed away from the chaos.

Phin pleaded with her eyes for him to run.

So, he did. 

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