Pt 17 Author Cant Find A Name To This

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Schuichi pov

Im in my room. Alone. Waiting.
I always wait.
Not that I have a better thing to do, Im locked in my room.

Im.. Curios, tough.
Why are we kept here?

I got up from my bed, started knocking on my right wall.
There should be another person there right?
I banged.
I banged some more.

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I hear some muffled voices..
I cant understand them.
I banged some more.
\]}}] <]}]} [}]}]}]}]}]}]} {]
I hear some muffled voices.
İts no use.

I banged some more.
\]}}] <]}]} [}]}]}]}]}]}]} {]
I hear some muffled voices.
İts no use.

I look around my room.
I need to get doctors attention.

|right wall|
>|left wall|<

I try banging at the left wall.
There has to be someone there, right?
I bang some more.
İts no use.

>|right wall|<
|left wall|

I already tried right wall.

|right wall|
|left wall|

I get nearer the door.
I try screaming
No one heard it.

|right wall|
|left wall|

I get on my bed.
I look around.

|the ceiling|
>|under the bed|<

I look under the bed.
There is a dead mouse. Ew.

>|the ceiling|<
|under the bed|

I look at the ceiling.
There is a security camera
I waved at the camera.
That didnt do anything.


I have looked at everywhere
I need to get attention.
What do I do?


I waited..
Nothing happened.

I habe looked at everywhere.
I need to get attantion.
What do I do?


Here are the things I found.
What do I combine?

>|dead mause|<
|muffled voices|

I pick up the muse and show it to the camera.
This place needs some cleaning!
Nothing happened.

Here are the things I found.
What do I combine?

>|muffled voices|<

I pick up the camera, put it on the ground.
I pick the dead mouse and pur its blood on the floor, in cameras angle.
Then, I bang on the right wall so they can hear some strange voices.
Im going to make them worry.
I continued.

Suddenly, my door oppened.
The doctor is looking at me.
Hi! First, I want to get out, second, why am I kept here? Third, this place needs some cleaning.

Doctor answered.
You can get out, I dont care if this place is dirty and last, you arent just kept here.

What do you mean by just?

The game NEVER ends.

Which game?... DANGANRONPA?!

Danganronpa ended.

Then which game?!

He started to lead me somewhere.
We ended up in a black hallway.
He opened a white door.
I look inside.
I.. Started.. To.. Fe... el..... S..l......... E..... P...... Y...

I fainted..
.. But..
... What?..
.. .. . . .. ... .... ...


Wooooo we have a kidnapped shuichi.
Or dont.
İs he even kidnapped?
See ya in the next chapter!

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