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A deadly class trial.

Trial START!

Kirumi: May I ask why are we doing a class trial?

Shuichi: ah.. I wanted a retrial for rantaros "death"

Kaede:But I "killed" him. Thats it?

Rantaro: first, lets say "attack" instead of kill. Second you were the one who  attacked me?!?

Kaede: s.. Sorry....... I.. İf.. I didnt do it.. O.. Others would die and.. And.. I tought I could catch the mastermind...

Shuichi: basically, we found the secret room as well and kaede set a trap thinking the mastermind would come there.
[explains her whole plan]

Rantaro:huh? Oh. I saw a metal ball fall before something hit me. İs that what you're talking about? İf so it didnt work I think.

Kaede:wait what?

Shuichi:Yes, thats why I wanted a retrial.

Himiko:but then,why was kaede executed?
Debate start!

|Shot put ball found|

>|shown as the blackened|<

|The mastermind|

Now I understand!

Shuichi:İts because kaede was shown as the blackened.

Kaito:huh? Shown?

Tenko:why would she be shown as the blackened? Why?
Debate start!

Himiko: İs it because the culprit even tricked monokuma?

Kokichi:Or is she the mastermind?

Kaede:hey thats not true!

Rantaro: maybe mastermind had no other choice?

>|the mastermind|<

  |secret gateway|

I agree!

Shuichi:yeah.. I actually think thats it.

Maki:But why would the mastermind have to show her as the blackened?

Shuichi: İts because...


Hangman Gambit Start!

Culprit i
Culprit is
Culprit is t
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Culprit is the mast
Culprit is the maste
Culprit is the master
Culprit is the masterm
Culprit is the mastermi
Culprit is the mastedmin
Culprit is the mastermind
Culprit is the mastermind

I got it!

Shuichi:İts because thd culprit is the mastermind

Kaito: wh-what?

Tsumigi: Are you saying the mastermind is one of us?

Kaito: cmon shuichi it cant be!

Miu: it makes  fucking sense ya virgins!
Then why tha fuck would the fucking mastermind hide it?!

Yeah Im a fucking GENİUS

kokichi:.. Miu. Shut. Up.
How can a whore make sense and no sense when they are a dumbass?wanna see? Just get iruma!

Keebo: That is whole another level.

Kirumi: Do not get distracted please. Shuichi, you just said the nastermind is among us. Could you explain a bit more?

Shuichi:ah.. Of course. Kaede was shown as the blackened, as her trap worked. Altough, that means the original attacker needed to stay hidden. But why would monokuma keep them hidden? İf the culprit is the mastermind of course. Also since they are kept hidden, they are propably a part of this killing game. Because otherwise, they wouldnt need to show kaede as the blackened, if they are not a part of this killing game. Since they are alive and a part of this killing game, thats means the mastermind is
One of us.

Kaede: y-you are saying I went through that f-for NOTHİNG?!?

kokichi: oh my god kayayayayayayyayayayayayayayayayayyayayayaday callllmmm dooown I know the cuulpriiiit

Shuichi: you know?

Kokichi:know? Know what? What know? I dont know anything? Only think I know is that I dont know what you know you know.

Miu:I realized kokichi is still a abortion, but he doesnt lie too much.

Kokichi:you know getting pressed by a hydrualic press by your own claim, creates pretty much stress and still has effects ugly bitchlet cump dumpster.

Kaede:so İf we find the culprit we will also find the mastermind right?

Rantaro:that should be true

Shuichi:tell us your alibis.
Debate start

Tsumigi:I was with dome other people. I just needed to use the toilet, and thats it.

   |the mastermind|

>|the secret of the toilets|<

No! Thats wrong!

shuichi:tsumigi. You are talking about the girls toilet on the second floor, right?

Tsumigi: yes? İs there a problem with that?

Shuichi:we have found a secret gateway to the secret room from there.

Tsumigi:your suspecting little'ol me?

Shuichi:you dont have an alibi tsumigi. Also I dont yhink this is a coincidince

Kokichi:woaw is the cosssplayer the culpriit?

Tsumigi:Im not

Kokichi:oh what? Your not? Your not? Thats your answer? Realy? Do you REALY dont have any other thing to saaay?


~trial part 1 end. "~

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